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Recruitment Device


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I wqas thinking like a friendly force power or an armband that allowd you to recruit whoever you target. not just like the K2 Force power more along the lines of generating a script that alows you to add them in to the party. like I could at any time I wish recruit Kelborn or Calo Nord

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That i believe is near impossible, it could be done, but it would seem like it was impossible, a recruitment script for every NPC in the game would have to be made, and that to me seems like, insane.


The recruitment part itself wouldn't be that difficult, a single impact script for a spell should be enough to handle that, adding the targeted creature to the slot the player selects.


The biggest amount of work would come afterwards, to ensure that you don't break the game, quests or plot progression when characters may not be where the game expects them to be, dialog fired at the wrong point etc. Also, the vast majority of the NPCs in the game does not use the Associate set of AI scripts rather than the Default set. Thus you'd need to modify the AI scripts to handle this and fire the correct set of scripts depending on if they're recruited or not.


While it could be done you'd essentially end up with combat drones with no major impact on the story that never say anything or comment on what's going on. Doesn't sound all that fun to justify the amount of work required to do it, IMO. :)

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That's exactly what i'm talking about lady stoffa. it would work like the mind trick force power but it would allow you to controle the charecter directly. rather then just have him/her at your side. like say I was going to the shadowlands and wanted to bring another Wookiee down their with me and have hem temporarily replace Bastila or Juhani or soemthign. since i wouldn't have him replace Jolee it wouldn't upset any scripts.

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