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Disk 2 error or just corruption


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Hello, its been a while since i visited the forums but today i decided that i would give Kotor1 another rught through so i insert the install disk and it tells me to insert disk 2 and so i do. at 57% at 56.vid in the cad file i get an error saying that an error has accured.


When i try to just move the file to my computer hopeing it was a disk error my explorer crashes after a few minutes. I was wondering if it has something to do with how my system handels the .cad files and is easily solved. When i get the time and opportunity again to try and install i will get you the error message as it is dispalyed. But anyhelp you vcan give me as of the information that i have :):cowdance

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Here is the error and when it occurs:


Component Transfer Error

Component: CABS UK

File Group: SWCABS UK

File: H:\data3.cab

Error: Data Error(CRC-conflict, Cyclic Rebundancy Check)



It happens at this file during the installation:

C:\Program Files\Lucas Arts\SWKotoR\movies\56.bik

This is diks 2 that we are talking about. WWhen the error occurs i shortly after tells me to insert disk 1 but the setup har frozen and i must terminate it using the Ctrl-Alt-Del.


What im asking is if this can be solved without going about and gettign a new disk 2 from lucas if this is unsolvable because im really not in the mood in waitgin 4 months for a new disk.





6. I'm trying to install the game and I am getting a component transfer error.


Solution: This is a windows installer issue, not a game specific issue. It happens with more than just this game and the fault lies when your drive has a problem reading your disc. However if you're having the problem, the fault lies with either the game or your cd/dvd drive. Usually the simplest solution is to return the game for a replacement. If that doesn't work, try installing the game from a different drive. There are a lot of different tips/suggestions that people can have for this solution, and it's usually pure luck that brings about the right solution to it. Faster drives are usually less likely to have this problem as they can cut through minor defects in the discs very easily.


I dont have another cd-reader at hand, and my laptop is to weak to run the game. But i will try, i will keep my eye on this thread as there might be another solution

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