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Some new Texturs for K1 and TSL


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I was thinking we could restor Visas true apperence as seen in Unseen Unheard.




and While we'r at it maybe a couple of Sith Lords and movie charecters as Holowan Cloakworks style armbands. or just as being able to select through player select or as other NPC's. like Exar Kun in the Well know Exar Kun's Tomb Mod. or prehaps Darth Bane. with optional armour. I have the Images as follows.




Bane without Armour.




Darth Bane with his Armour. Posat any other ideas here if you like. I was also thinking of a conversion to KOTOR II to make it something like the Insidious Plot. like Kreia= Old Obi-Wan. Atton = Han Solo. Sion = Vader etc etc.

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I would really like to see the Visas idea. I kind of like the way she looks with her eyes like that and stuff (I know I'm wierd). If somebody is going to do this, could you also make a new headband, or actually a hood for her, that would give her her current appereance if she equips it.

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