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Starfighters Too Weak? Buildings? NO! READ WHY NOT

Guest Maul403

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Guest Maul403

i think air units are not for base rushes and sieges but to protect your own base and to hit enemys while in combat


EXAMPLE:you have control of the monument in the center...your opponent has built up a considerable attack force of ground and air units..your air units are waiting back at your base for saftey...when he attacks most of his air units are destroyed by your AA turretts you have placed around and now only his troops and siege weapons remain...u have your troops and turrets target AA troopers first then move in your fighters and bombers to pick off siege weapons and the remainder of his troops...called strategy...get used to it



now as for killing buildings all u need are siege weapons and a vareity of ground and AA troopers. keep the siege weps and AA troops back to attack buildings...mabye even put in some grenade troops in back as well...then while your troops tie up the enemy rain down hell on their base



Also a good grenade troop strategy for defense of the monument is to put the grenade troops on stand ground mode...tht way they dont move to attack the enemy they just fire from the sme fixed position :)


this game is meant for strategy folks.....not base rushes and nukes that end the game in 5 minutes...not 20 infantry slaughtering a whole base...but long games that involve strategy and alot of thinking




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preach it brother!!


this game takes everything that made aoks be come short, changed it and turned it into the best rts for the holiday season.


the rushes that everyone used and got everyone mad at can't be easily prformed cause of more building hp. the air units that were so powerful they wreck everyones game statagy have been tuned down to allow for more strategy. this game is going to rock!!


:atat: :atat: :atat: ============:amidala:

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Guest flameknight

yer aoc didnt lacked the first to the best economy wins, well said topic! AOC games can go for 2hrs to 5 mins, if i rush u with huns or goths or mayans hehe. huns vs huns is very cool!

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Guest Fes2001

SWTA has none of these problems with the tactics, it works for long games or short games, what ever your up for

This game will cost, what, £30, and TA you can get for £10 or less, and SWTA is free, and with better looking units than GB :p

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