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Force Alignment Conditional Scripts.

Darth Balor

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What scripts would I use to determine the availibilty of a dialoge node based on alignment(neutral,ls,ds)?


If this is for KOTOR 2:TSL there are a bunch of different alignment checking functions. You can use c_ac_align_gt to check if the player's alignment is greater than the value set in the P1 field of the script on the dialog node, and c_ac_align_lt to check if it is lower than the specified value. Alignment is set on a 0 to 100 scale where 0 is darkside mastery, 50 is perfectly neutral and 100 is lightside mastery.


If you want to check with less precision or want to check broader you can also use any of the following:

  • c_dark - Player is a darksider
  • c_darklow - Player is a darksider, but not strongly so
  • c_darkhigh - Player is very far along the darkside
  • c_darkobvious - Player is obvious darksider (AKA zombie face)
  • c_darktotal_bet - Check if the total number of Darkside shift points accumulated so far is between the P1 and P2 values.
  • c_darktotal_gt - Check if the total number of Darkside shift points accumulated so far is greater than the P1 value.
  • c_darktotal_lt - Check if the total number of Darkside shift points accumulated so far is lower than the P1 value.
  • c_neutral - Player is Neutral/Grey
  • c_light - player is a lightsider
  • c_lightlow - player is a lightsider, but only slightly so
  • c_lighthigh - player is a dedicated lightsider
  • c_lighttotal_bet - Check if the total number of Lightside shift points accumulated so far is between the P1 and P2 values
  • c_lighttotal_gt - Check if the total number of Lightside shift points accumulated so far is greater than the P1 value.
  • c_lighttotal_lt - Check if the total number of Lightside shift points accumulated so far is lower than the P1 value.

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