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New Force Powers and Items


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I recently had an excellent idea for some new items and force powers. If you're interested in making these, please PM me! I don't want to overload the forums so I'll specifically describe one item and one new force power, and give an overview of the rest (I'm not trying to be demanding, just specific. I hope that helps). These items and powers all relate to a Sith Lord called Darth Illuminatus, a character who has frequented several of my best fan films. K1 would be okay, but I'd like to shoot for TSL on these. No powers have progression trees, and if any of these are not possible with your skill and resources, please suggest an alternative, I'm desperate for any version of these. I don't know how easy/hard these will be, like turning life drain green. Thanks in advance!


Mass Energy Drain: Force scream gesture, normal life drain beams from all enemies around the target to both hands of PC, normal life drain energy on target, orange flames on all targets but not PC.

Stats: FP cost 60 fp at full darkside. Failed save DC 20, 3-7 points per level drained to heal PC FROM ALL ENEMIES. Saved: 1-4 points drained per level from all enemies. This differs from death field in that every point drained from every target heals the PC.


Item: Illuminatus's Visorband

Description: This was the band of the Dark Lord Illuminatus. It constantly displays information and targets opponents.

Appearance: Light blue (instead of red) verpine headband.

Stats: Wisdom+2, Charisma +2, Dexterity +2, feats granted: full progression tree of increase combat damage. Powers granted: force focus, force immunity and force jump progression trees.


Other items: Illuminatus's Lightsabers, special color.

Crystal of Edro Salagazh, Crystal of Ered Sineth, Crystal of Liquid Shadow. (power crystals)

Illuminatus's robes and arm bracers, stats given to interested modders.


Big thanks to stoffe for making one of the powers. This power has been deleted from the list.

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Power: Force Soul Inferno

Appearance: Force Life Drain gesture, lasts twice as long as a normal force power, green force life drain beam, green energy on body, large 'polymorph 1' effect (polymorph refer to the TK-VFX armband mod in K1), finish with green ion grenade blast with fire on target AND PC. Target has force fear pose.


While the rest wouldn't be that hard to do the green beams would be problematic. As far as I know the beam effect types are hardcoded in the game engine, and if so you wouldn't be able to add new beam types, only recolor or retexture the existing ones. So while the drain beam could be reskinned green it would apply to all other powers using that effect as well.


Ultraviolet lightning: Force lightning (deep purple-blue if possible) lasting twice as long as usual, all enemies in front of target.


Same here, the power would be doable but if you change the color of the force lightning bolts you'd affect all uses of those beams in the game.


Also, if I remember correctly the problem with making beam visuals lasting longer than a second is that the cast animations are fire&forget with a fixed duration. So while you could continue shooting lightning longer the character would exit the cast animation and they'd return to the idle/combat animation while doing so after roughly a second.

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Wow! The maker of the High Level force powers mod! That's my favorite mod, as force powers are my favorite part of the game. Okay, I'll edit the post to compensate for this, but tell me, how did you make the fire animations blue for the force blind power? Could you turn them and the grenade blast green for the blast at the end?

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how did you make the fire animations blue for the force blind power? Could you turn them and the grenade blast green for the blast at the end?


A blue version of the flame thrower ray and flame already exists in the game, it's normally used for the plasma cannon droid weapons you can give HK47/T3M4/G0T0.


Visual effects that rely on 3d model files rather than hardcoded engine effects like the beams should be easier to recolor and reskin, since you can make a copy of the existing model, change the name of the textures it uses and then apply reskinned textures. I think the grenade blasts rely on models for their explosion visual, so making a green-ish variant of those should be possible.

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Thanks, that's great info. Now all I need is someone who will do this for me. I might be able to change the attributes of a cloak and bracers and stuff, but the visorband would be hard for me to reskin, and scripting is impossible. I just hope someone charitable comes along...

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Thanks, that's great info. Now all I need is someone who will do this for me. I might be able to change the attributes of a cloak and bracers and stuff, but the visorband would be hard for me to reskin, and scripting is impossible. I just hope someone charitable comes along...


I might have some time to do the force powers this weekend if nobody else has already done it by then, though I can't promise I'll do it. From your description it didn't sound like it would be too complicated to do (but then I do tend to be notoriously poor at estimating how long something takes to do. :))

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Thanks a lot, whether you do it or not, it's the thought that counts. I bet I can make the items on my own. Would you like me to PM you the stats of the Mass Life Drain?


Here is a shot at the Soul Inferno Force Power at least from what you described, hopefully it's at least somewhat like you intended. :) Seems to work, but if you notice anything odd, or if I have misunderstood what you wanted, let me know.



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