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What is the name of the ERF file for GOTO arriving at Nar Shaddaa scene?


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What is the name of the ERF file (and where is it in KotorTool) for the scene and conversation among GOTO and his assassins (Zhug, droids, Hanharr, twi'lek) soon after arriving at Nar Shaddaa?


The file hasn't been found in the first of the NAR segments in the ERF modules section, nor has the file been found in the EBO section.


Instead, seemingly a fluke, the first file in the NAR section is 3[something].dlg, and is about the twileks and is supposed to come up near the cantina. This could have been the place where the GOTO/assassin .dlg file should have been (there are also two attontmp.dlg files).

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What is the name of the ERF file (and where is it in KotorTool) for the scene and conversation among GOTO and his assassins (Zhug, droids, Hanharr, twi'lek) soon after arriving at Nar Shaddaa?


352NAR.rim/352NAR_s.rim/352NAR_dlg.erf should be the ones.

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