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greetings and small request concerning kotor 1&2


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Hello all - haven't been much of a game console user for long, just over a year... but in that time with my modded xbox I have played/finished kotor 1 and 2 half a dozen times each...


only just recently discovered this concept of editing and modding etc...


also the function of the override directories .2da files and such...


now... thing that seperates me from most is the fact I do not own a PC... I own Amigas... so... any software that you could point me towards I wouldn't be able to use... if I could I probably wouldn't need to post for help in this area...


All I require is any solution that gives me these 3 things in both games


all cross class skills to be class skills

all stats to be set to 18

lots of starting money (hopefully not to be implemented via collecting booty)


If all this could be done in 3 seperate files for the override dirs in both games that would be great... since then I could opt to omit one occassionally...


I know there exists the odd solution to one or more of the above but it seems to be these things are rather straight forward to do if you have the right tools for the job...


there are only so many threads one can read and there are HEAPS here... :)


ah yes... I can ftp using Amiga network card to modded xbox... so transfers not a problem...


thanks for your consideration...


mods please shift this thread if it needs to be in some sort of requests?


hope to post more in the future and not another request of resource... :D

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