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Please help this newbie who's having problems with MP game


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I've started trying to play JA in MP mode, but when attempting to select my Force powers in my profile, the only powers that come up are jump, and I think Saber Defense and Offense. The end result is that I only have Force Push, Pull and Jump as powers while (to get some practice I've just attempted to play in the solo games) the other characters have a full array of power and kick my butt most of the time (unless I get luck, or disable Force Powers). Am I doing something wrong, or is it something else. Sorry if this seems an obivious question to some, but any help would be gratefully appreciated

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Ah, right, that might be the problem in some severs. This issue cropped up while I was playing in the solo games option in the multiplayer game (in order to get some familiarity with the multiplayer game, and haven't yet gone onto to any severs) and set the pratice game to not disable Force powers, all the other characters (are they called bots, I don't know) had a full range of Force powers. I had only the Force Push and Pull powers, and so often ended up getting cut down pretty quickly as they blastered away at my character with Force lightning and drain life, and outmanveored me using Force Speed. I when into the my profile and clicked onto the Force powers and saw I had a series of character categories to choose from belonging to the light and dark sides, and that I had 41 points aviliable to spend on Force powers, but only the jump, saber defense and offensive powers came up in the list. Is this normal, or is there something else I should do, and if I logged into a sever would the problem be sorted out (if it is even a problem)?

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Um, I set my level at Jedi Master and made sure the Force powers were disabled, but the same problem persists. I get extra points to spend (66) but no powers to spend them on, also now I can only use Force jump (as that's the only active power beyond saber offense and defense in my profile), and something new is happening, every time I use a key I've set for a Force power (like force push or lightning) text appears at the top of the screen saying unknown cmd force_(whatever the power is), and when I use Force jump text appears saying 'Cheats are not allowed on this sever'. I've now gone onto a few severs and on those that allow Force powers the same problem happens, so I don't know what to do now, I'm beginning to think something must be wrong with the mulitplayer side of my game itself (like mabye something didn't install right).

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Um, I set my level at Jedi Master and made sure the Force powers were disabled, but the same problem persists. I get extra points to spend (66) but no powers to spend them on, also now I can only use Force jump (as that's the only active power beyond saber offense and defense in my profile), and something new is happening, every time I use a key I've set for a Force power (like force push or lightning) text appears at the top of the screen saying unknown cmd force_(whatever the power is), and when I use Force jump text appears saying 'Cheats are not allowed on this sever'. I've now gone onto a few severs and on those that allow Force powers the same problem happens, so I don't know what to do now, I'm beginning to think something must be wrong with the mulitplayer side of my game itself (like mabye something didn't install right).


No, I think its more the fact that you are loading Single Player in this instance instead of Multiplayer.


I hope you have the 1.01 patch as well..

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Um, I've just installed the patch 1.01 a few days ago (wasn't sure about doing it at first, as the Vista on my computer dosen't seem to like the KOTOR patch I tried to install) and it worked fine, when the sever connection screen advised me to do it. It might be this single player/multi-player thing. I load the game through the jamp.exe thing, do I need to do something else to make sure it's not loading through the single-player game?


Also, some guy one of the severs I played in suggested at I need to die and be re-spwanned in the Force-using sever to have the Force powers to spend the points on, is this true?

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Um, I've just installed the patch 1.01 a few days ago (wasn't sure about doing it at first, as the Vista on my computer dosen't seem to like the KOTOR patch I tried to install) and it worked fine, when the sever connection screen advised me to do it. It might be this single player/multi-player thing. I load the game through the jamp.exe thing, do I need to do something else to make sure it's not loading through the single-player game?


Also, some guy one of the severs I played in suggested at I need to die and be re-spwanned in the Force-using sever to have the Force powers to spend the points on, is this true?


If you change your powers when alive, then yes you do.

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I tried to use g_forcePowersDisable 0 during at first a solo game Force enabled FFA, but though that worked, once I tried map_restart 0 it came up with


Loading dll file jampgame

------Game Instiliatization------

gamename: basejka

gamedate: Nov 6 2003

Unexpected end of info file

Unexpected end of info file


and when I tried it on a Force enabled sever, it wouldn't allow it.


Is there a way around this?

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That is a server CVar you can only set/change it if you are server.


"Unexpected end of info file" : Sounds like you have a custom bot or arena file that ended abruptly. Only way to find out is by removing custom bots/maps until it goes away. Unless you want to dig through all the proper files of each map that I do not know you have or what the filenames are inside them.

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I removed the maps I had downloaded (a ROTS Mustafar and Utapau maps) leaving only the originals in there, and that seemed to solve the unexpected end of the info file problem, leaving only


Loading dll file jampgame

------Game Instiliatization------

gamename: basejka

gamedate: Nov 6 2003


and a message appeared that the changes to my character would take place when I respawnned, but when I died and respawnned, no new Force power options appeared . Unfortuntely the problem may be something else. It seems strange though, since the Force powers must be there, as the computer charaters have them all, anyway, thanks for the help so far, and any further suggestions as to the solution would be gratefully recieved.


Edit: I finally followed the troubleshooting guide and approached activisation support about the game (doh, I probably should have thought to do that in the first place), anyway, in turned out that the problem was caused by a SP mod I had installed earlier (an appearance converting mod), and after unistalling and reinstalling the game, and removing the mod, I now have access to my Force powers in the MP game (Yipeee :) ). Anyway, thanks for all your advice over this problem, it's all been gratefully recieves, thanks for all your help people, cheers!

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