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K1 Mods-multiple


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XD Its's the total newb again, and hopefully this time my requests won't end with me hiding in my room for one week because I'm an idiot. *cough* An who...My TSL disc broke a few weeks ago, and sence then I have relised playing K1 for the 10th time that, I really missed some of the TSL mods, so I went to go ask some famous modder ,who's name escapes me, about his Imperial Knight Mod. We discused it for a few PMs about making one for K1, and he said he didn't feel like it, so I came here. I know the base jedi knight robes have that butt flap thing, but magic would have to be made for the torso. But really, thats not the reason I came. I have three other mods that are probably alot easier to handle. First, I would like a silver crystal, or a pure white one, to be put into the game. Note: Notice I said crystal, not saber, though that brings us to the second/third mod. Along with the armor, I would like to see a Imperial Knight Saber. Finally and most importantly, I would like a new male head. I would like it to look something like this. Lightside/darkside transitions would be nice, but really it's pretty evil all ready. If you think you can do one, two or all of these, please post, or post if you have any questions. Thank you!


I've decided to give up on the other head because I think It's a little to hard, and I've decided to ask for this one instead. I was thinking the longed haired white face for the face, blue eyes, and the hair to be either a recolored white crew cut for asian crew cut. I for got the names but I have a link. The face is second from the bottom on the left, and the hair is either third one from the bottom on the left, or the bottom one on the right. Thanks, and I'm hoping for some feedback.



Ok well I have decided to just keep on adding ideas to this page instead of poluting the forum with a bunch of little requests. What I thought of this time is pretty simple. I was playing through kotor with WotOR and I noticed that still some of my weapon needs are unfufiled. This time I am going to be very vaugue to give you guys a little wiggle room. What I want are unique hilts for Yellow(Small and normal sized), Purple(all), Heart of the Gaurdian(all), Mantle of the Force(all), and all of the short sabers. A few of them can be repeats, infact all of them CAN be, but I would prefer a little change up. So ya, thats this weeks idea.



Ok just thought of another one. I sware I'm a machine. I wish I could acctualy make these, then it would be alot easier. Anywho, how about a mod so that when you fall to the darkside the Jedi classes change to replace "Jedi" with "Sith," when your close to becoming darkside "Dark," And gray and light-gray would simply not have any thing. A list is below.


100-70ish all the normal names

70ish-50 Gaurdian, Consular, Sentinal

45ish-25 Dark Gaurdian, Dark Consular, Dark Sentinal

24ish-0 Sith Gaurdian, Sith Consular, Sith Sentinal


You might want to check the numbers becuase I know I didn't.


XD Ok thought of another one that I'm not qualified for! This one takes up less text though, so thats good. I was wondering is anyone could transfer the KOTOR2 Ultimate Saber Mod sabers to K1. Not the party member's sabers, just the extra ones.

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Mod note: Paul Rhodes and Master Zionosis, please do not derail threads by posting off-topic about moderation issues in them. If you notice someone breaking the rules, either use the report.gif button to report the post or PM a moderator who's online (or PM the poster if you want to discuss something with them directly). It doesn't help much to break the rules to point out that someone else is breaking the rules. :p


I can't beleave I still have no replys though. Is it too hard or just not possable?


Sometimes it can take time before someone picks up a request, sometimes it doesn't happen at all. Modders might not have interest in that particular idea, or time to do it at the moment. Not everyone visits the forums daily either.


If you can't wait for someone to (hopefully) respond you could browse the tutorial forums in Holowan and see if it's something you can learn how to do yourself. Once you get into it modding can be quite fun on its own. :)

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