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[K1] Mass Life Drain


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I've returned to K1, exchanging improved combat and force powers for better plot and characters, so I was wondering if anyone could make this force power to liven things up a bit. It's definitely in the category of Death Field/life drain.


Name: Mass Life Drain

Icon: Drain life icon with smaller life drain icons slightly behind main one. (Look at the Force Replication icon from the All In One Force Powers Mod. It would look coolest like this but with life drain icons instead of the green 'people' icons.

Base Force Cost: 45fp

Stats: Darkside power, level 15, 5-10 points drained per PC level from all enemies in a 12 meter radius from target. Damage type: Darkside. Save: Fortitude, DC 17 + wisdom and charisma modifiers, VP transferred to PC. Also, 50% Instant death DC 15, all VP transferred to PC. Saved: half damage.

Appearance: Underhand life drain gesture, life drain beams from all enemies around the target, life drain ambiance on targets, 'jerking' life drain posture. Temporary orange flame effect on targets.

<<<IF POSSIBLE: 1. If combat area contains friendly NPC's, npc's within range are included in mass life drain sweep. 2. On instant death, other effect: enemy(ies) affected by instant death experience "horror" posture and largest polymorph effect possible, followed by an orange ion grenade style explosion.>>>

Description: One of the darkest powers of the Sith, this power tears huge amounts of life force from all surrounding beings to heal the attacking Sith. Occasionally, a void of Dark Side energy will consume a target or targets, causing instant death. [stats].


Thanks in advance to the amazing people in Holowan Labs, and if made I hope this power will benefit a large number of K1 Dark Side players. Thanks again,


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