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inescapable crashes

the rube

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i posted on here before, in hopes of getting my copy of Grim Fandango to run on Windows XP. After giving up months ago, i finally returned and got the game up and running, no problems whatsoever, until about the time i try to climb up to the boss's office in the beginning of the game. Right then and there the game crashed with the typical Win XP send/don't send error report (worthless) and i was put right back onto my desktop.


After trying many different things, including a couple of forms of the 1.1 patch, garry's launcher (whatever it's called), the imagecfg "fix", and plenty of changes in the windows compatibility settings, i get the same crash, just in different points of the game. So far, none of these things (other than the patch) have noticeably affected the game for better or worse, despite the compatibility settings. Changing it to Windows 95 or 98 actually makes it noticeably worse, with horrendous cutscenes and choppy dialogue.


Are there any other suggestions or ideas, or will i just have to get used to saving often?

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