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Luxa exile


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Well, I did a quick search of the forum and came up with nothing. At least... nothing recent. So...


The male Exile heads tend to lack youthful appearance (and though I acknowlege that the lore suggests the Exile is into his/her 30's, I *do* like to be reminded about what youthfulness is) ...and interesting hairstyles.


A suggestion on FileFront caught my eye - the poster recommended that the Luxa face (somewhat androgynous to begin with) be remodeled to create an "emo"-style MALE Exile appearance; though all I feel to be neccessary is a reskin to a darker complexion and removal of the makeup (the lips in particular).


Images of the Luxa-Exile which promted the comment:



Do it right and you may end up with an interesting face choice for the Exile. Do it wrong (like use interesting facial hair to change the gender) and you'll end up with an androgynous kid with lipstick.


Good luck, should you choose to accept this opportunity.

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