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party members prestige mod


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i was wondering if it would be possible if after you turn your party into jedi that later, after they reached a certain level, they could promote to a prestige class. for example say the handmaiden reached level 15 (jedi level not overall level) would it be possible to have her promote to jedi weapon master?


i played the ultimate saber mod, by ChAiNz.2da, Darth333,Seprithro, svösh, and T7nowhere and i loved it because not only did your party members get their own lightsaber but you could also train them and give them lessons which i thought was genius.


I guess you could say that this is based off the training idea that they made up. you give your party members lessons, like in the usm, and after they're done your pc could promote them to the prestige class that follows their jedi class.


what do you think?

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I know I've seen a Prestige Padawans mod somewhere that allows you to make your trainable party members prestige classes. I could swear it was RedHawke who made the mod, but after visiting RedHawke's site, it seems I'm mistaken...


I do know that RedHawke has a Kreia Prestige mod, (Jedi Master/Sith Lord depending on your alignment) which I always use, as I think it only makes sense...

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Yeah that's what i was thinking of but doesn't that mean i would have to start over with training my party members again? And it looks like that this mod might interfere with usm mod.


I don't mind starting over from the point that i made the handmaiden a jedi (who was the first party member i made into a jedi) and then starting to train everone else, but i kind of have a problem if this mod is going to effect the usm mod (ultimate saber mod). Does anyone know whether it would be true that the usm mod would conflict with the prestige padawans mod?

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