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Request: Mando Bracer, w/Flame thrower and Carbo freeze? even possible?

Terrag Shugo

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I know this sounds kinda of nuts, probably hard as can be....but if possible..it would be amazing.

I haven't tried making any of my own stuff yet, due to serious work and school schedule. But I played through KOTOR I again recently with a Boba Fett skin on, and noticed that when HK uses his Flame thrower or Carbo freeze..he extends his arm and fires it from his wrist/forearm. That amination may be avavilable for our PC ? Would just somehow have to get the flame thrower and carbo freeze items for the droids to be used in the sheild/bracer area for human/player char?

Also in KOTORII we do get to use Mira's bracer that fires missles...maybe it could only be done, or has been done, with KOTORII?

I'm sure it's complete fantasy thinking and if it was possible someone with the skill to do it would've already.

BUT I can hope.

Seriously though..how sweet would that be?

Has anyone done this already? Is anyone working on it or interested in working on it?

Thanks for any info.


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