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Question about the the game


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Hi there,


I have played WoW for 2 years now and am really bored with it and am needing a new game. So how is SWG? I am in the process of trying the 14 day trial and it seems pretty fun but have a couple of questions.


How is the community? active or dying? lot of kids? mature? small / large? friendly? ect...


Is the crafting fun or just something you do in a day to max out your skill with few usefull craftables?


How is the economy? am I screwed as a new player? do I need to farm for weeks to that one thing? or is cash flow fairly decent to come by?


For someone starting out with SWG is one class better than the other. [kinda want a fun class to play that isn't easy mode or hard mode, somewhere in the middle].


Last question..........Overall is the game soloable or are you forced to get into a party?


Thanks for your time.

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Community: depends on who you ask... some say dying others say its growing. If you are on Bria its big. However the community is nowhere what it was pre NGE(when they revamped the whole game the second time)


Crafting is fun, but because things last forever, you won't find a lot of repeat business.


The economy is... well.... inflated. depending on your class, you either have millions of credits in a universe that millionaires are commonplace, or you're broke. Once you have all your stuff, you don't have to buy anything again. except as a crafter(unless you harvest your own resources).


Classes: Some are better than others. Jedi and Commando are pretty easy to learn. Officer and medic take time to learn. Smuggler and BH are pretty well the hardest to learn, but can be easy for PVE(snares and area damage). I never played spy, but I hear they are deadly if played right.


It is not completely soloable. For some things you will be required to have multiple party members. But the good news is that if you join a guild, meet good friends along the way, you should have no problems finding people to help you out.

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