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bad animation.cfg file


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can anyone help? xD

sooo, currently testing a model, has it's own glm and gla files, but the animations are... weird

wrote the animation.cfg file myself, asigned a bunch o animation labels to the frames corresponding to their length in frames on the gla,(such as BOTH_ATTACK1, BOTH_ATTACK2)

but ingame the animations asigned to walk, run, gesture and others are not working at all, the model get's stuck with only one animation (only changes when I change the order of the animations on the cfg file, and yet gets stuck on just one)


I'm assuming it's my animation file cuz the animation it gets stuck into is exactaly the length it says in the animation.cfg file (as you all know, the gla is a bunch of stacked animations, where each starts or ends is writen on animation.cfg)

but it may very well be something else?

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okey, sorry, my mistake, Psyko's modeling tutorial says clearly you have to remove mesh_root from your scene if you're goin to animate (I had no idea why, so I removed while tryng to figure out the missing tags thing, saw no diference than put it back (but allways wondered why) (now I see ;) )

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