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[K1] The Battle of Korriban


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Hello, everyone...

I'm once again playing through the brilliant Star Wars KOTOR, and I've included some of the brilliant mods that I've found around here. I'm playing with the Hardcore mod, but I've used so many artefacts and passes through the Kamino Eugenic Chambers or redhawke, that my character is very strong at level 14... (not to boast, I assure you. :) )

My point is just that I realized that when you're on Korriban, once you've killed Uthar, you face only three Sith at the entrance of the Sith Academy, and then you fight the sith inside the Academy, whose ranks are dramatically thin... when your character is up to the level. Aren't you supposed to be labelled an enemy of the Sith Order from that point? Maybe it's the occasion for them to make a last stand, before the player goes away from Korriban.

My question is, could someone provide with a mod that allows the player to battle his way through the Valley, then the Academy and then Dreshdae, a little like this mod I've seen on Taris when you get to fight sith and Droids when you're with Bastila. I'm talking about more enemies, maybe some dark Jedi, some Sith apprentices... well, the usual bunch of evil guys you're supposed to fight in a Sith Academy. Even some droids would be fun, so that HK could train his aiming a little. I've found the Academy a little deserted after a while, lol.

I'm asking this because I've got absolutely no idea on how to do this, and not even where to begin.


Any answer would be appreciated, thanks a lot.

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