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[NSW-Fic] Time Can't Stand Still Forever

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* for anime fans out there(namely Inuyasha fans)


Time Can Not Stand Still Forever

Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Inuyasha.




It had been 5 years since the failed attempt against Naraku. Kagome, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Shippo were still fighting the good fight. Naraku was still causing mayhem across

Feudel Japan. While they had promised years ago that they would stand and fight together no matter what , cracks began to appear. Kagome, now a young women in her 20's , was having

a hard time balancing collage, work, saving Japan, and her on again / off again relationship with Inuyasha.Miroku was eager to settle down with Sango but neither could fully commit to

each other until Naraku was defeated. This strained their engagement. They were constantly fighting...well more than usual.


Kagome popped her head out of the well and saw Inuyasha waiting for her. She was dreading talking to him. She was gonna give him an ultimatium.


" We need to talk."


" So you said the last time you were here, Kagome."


" Well if Shippo hadn't found my hidden stash of sake we would have." Kagome laughed, remembering Shippo wabbling around with the hiccups.Shippo was naturally funny but a

drunk Shippo was hilarious.


" Inuyasha we have been avoiding our true feelings for years now. I know it's not the perfect time but when will it ever be. We may never defeat Naraku. Must we all continue to hold

off on our lives for something that may never happen. I know I no longer can."


" So what does this mean?" Inuyasha asked.


" It's now or never , Inuyasha. We have been so through so much together. You know I love you and I think you truly love me too. I want us to stop putting our lives together on hold

and start living it, before it's to late and time has passed us by.Time can not stand still forever."


" So what do you want from me? You wanna know how I feel about you? You already know. I speak louder through actions not words and when I do use words they never seem to be

the right words."


" But I still need to hear them, Inuyasha. Close your eyes."


He hesitated but listened and closed them. He could hear her walk over to him. She kissed him.


" Now open your eyes. Your free."


He didn't understand what she meant till he saw the enchanted necklace he wore was no longer around his neck.Kagome had taken it.


" The necklace - you ...Where?"


" I want us to be together bounded only by love. I'm not the childish teenager you once knew , Inuyasha. I've grown up."


" I've noticed. Believe me I noticed."


" Well..."


" Well what?"


Kagome sighed. " Love me or let me go."


" Then I guess I choice the first one cause I could never let you go." Inuyasha smiled.


They embraced.

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  • 2 weeks later...

INUYASHA : Time Can Not Stand Still Forever




Miroku and Sango watched from a distance.


" She has a point , Sango."


" Yes, but our situation is quite different. Besides WE both argeed that it would be better to wait till Naraku was defeated."


" I agreed to that when I actually thought we had a chance at defeating him.As time goes on I'm beginning to wonder..."


"Miroku this sounds like your giving up."


" No,I'm not. I just see now things don't always go as planned."


" Sounds like your giving up on us, too."


" Sango, you never let the wall you have build around yourself down long enough for us to have a chance ."


" This conversation is over." Sango walked away from Miroku and got on Kilala ." I need time to think things over."


" You mean time to run off again." Miroku sighed as he watched her fly away.


Meanwhile Inuyasha and Kagome went to wake a hung over Shippo.


" Head hurts . What happened last night ? Did we win?" Shippo asked.


Kagome laughed." You battled with sake and lost. You have a hangover.I expected you would so I brought some medicine."


"Serves you right. Even I know you shouldn't down 10 sake shots. The only thing that would have made last night funnier would be if Kagome had brought her camera."


" Inuyasha! Don't make me put this necklace back on you." Kagome warned..


" What is the point of me not wearing the necklace if your just gonna threaten me with it." asked Inuyasha.


Kagome smiled." It's a little thing called leverage."


" Yeah well don't even try putting that ' leverage' back on me ."


" Oh, really." Kagome started to chase Inuyasha around the field that they had found Shippo in.


" Inuyasha, you never learn." Shippo thought to himself as he watched Inuyasha try to run from Kagome.


Kagome finally caught him." I got you!"


" I let you 'get' me."


Instead of putting the necklace on him she kissed instead. " I love you ,Inuyasha."


" And I love you Kagome."

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