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[FIC]Legacy of the Force FanFic: Legacy's End (containsLotF spoilers)

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Jaina Solo paced back and forth in her apartment. She had tried meditating


but it didn't work. How could it? She knew Luke or Ben could not under any


circumstances get Jacen , now Darth Caedus, back for killing Mara


Jade,Luke's wife and Ben's mother.She knew it rested on her shoulders to not


only avenge her death but try to bring peace back to a galaxy that was


slowly having the life choked out of it by her own twin brother.



'How could this have happened? How could I have not seen it and .... No I


can not deal in what ifs. I can not undo the past. It is done. I have no


brothers left. Still how would I kill him and not feel guilt when looking in my


mother's eyes. She lost one child and knowing her surving son is bringing the


galaxy back into a dark age has been horrible to watch. As she reacts


to Jacen's continious betrayels is heartwrenching. ' Jaina thought to herself.


She wiped away the tears that now streaked down her face.



Mara , her dead aunt wasn't just her aunt but her Master. Mara had watched


all the Solo kids grow up. She was there for her when Anakin Solo died.She


had become the rock of the Skywalker and Solo family.Now the rock was


gone , crumbled to dust by Jacen Solo. A casualty in Jacen's quest to


become a Sith Lord. Now her cousin , Ben will grow up without


a mother thanks to her brother.



It was not the Jedi way to give into anger but it was boiling in her. She


wanted revenge but knew better. It would be what Jacen wants , for any


Jedi to give into their hatred and have it consume them. To turn to the


darkside. That's why she knew her Uncle and cousin could not be the ones to


kill Jacen if it came to that. It had to be her. It would be to risky for Ben or


Luke, they could easily fall to the darkside if they killed Jacen. Luke knew this too.



She had watched Ben after he found out Jacen had killed his mother. The


anger and pain , and a tad guilt for trusting Jacen engulfed the boy. Jacen


had successed for the time being. Ben was utterly broken. Teetering


between light and dark.



She was shaken out of her memories by a knock on the door.It was Jag.She


told him to go away.



" I know. I know, your the Sword of the Jedi , you must put the galaxy's


safety before your own happiness. You think you must sacrifice your


happiness for the greater good. I get it....actually I don't but once you have


your mind set on something. I can be just as stubborn as you. I'm here for


moral support. It doesn't take a Jedi to sense your pain and turmoil.I will


stay out here as long as I have to. You need someone to lean on, just for a


little while lean on me. Anybody." Jagged Fel said.



Jaina opened the door." Anybody? " she then quickly shut the door before he


could come in." Anybody but you or even Zekk. I just can't..."


She placed her hand on the door , not knowing Jag was doing the exact same thing.

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