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K1: Avoiding contact with bothersome characters


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If asked the most annoying things about K1, I think we can all agree on two things:


1. The random ambushes that occur when you revisit some planets.


2. Some characters you would otherwise not talk to accost you, basically trying to ram a sidequest down your throat.


There is a mod to correct #1, so I'm looking for one on #2, particularly Elora on Manaan. I'm minding my own business, on my way to talk to Shaelas so I can get the best resolution for the main Sith Embassy quest, when Elora accosts me asking to speak to a character who isn't even in my frelling party at the moment (Jolee is on the Hawk, I have Bastila and Juhani in my party, because I need their help to fight Darth Bandon). They don't have options to turn her down without soundling like a jerk. I've had to use the Rapid Transit System to avoid her, but I can't get free the Selkath youths if I avoid her. And I don't like ANYTHING forced upon me anyway, I'm spiteful that way. So is there ANY mod out there that has Elora stay quiet unless YOU choose to talk to her?

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