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[TSL] Request mod to hire mandaloreans


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Hello, I have been attempting to create this mod, but I can't seem to figure it out and I don't think I have the skill.


I've been searching through all these tutorials and studying them, but its been


really tough. I tried an attempt


on my own but failed miserably.






I'd like to request a mod to hire any mandalorean I see (and just if possible,


it would be really cool if I had to pay him a certain


amount of credits in a certain amount of time otherwise it would enter


dialogue and he would threaten to kill me,


and if I refused, we would initiate combat)


I'd really like this mod and it would be really cool! Thanks in advanced!


if any of you would like to talk about the mod, or have any suggestions,


my xfire is: warmechh

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