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Sorry...well, not really, but...

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Rogue15

i am just sick of hearing about harry potter and how famous it is. ah, maybe i'll head over to the author's house and kill him.


i am in a ticked mood right now, and had to vent my frustration somehow, my door is almost to the point of breaking, and i have my shoes on and don't wanna damage it.


btw, zelda sucks too.

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Guest Boba Rhett

Would you please leave and come back when your in a more civil mood? Go punch a pillow or something to relieve your frustrations. :p

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Guest Rogue15

i feel like beating up harry potter.


ok, here's one:






A guy couldn't have thought up some story as evil as that.

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Guest TK-421

Hmmm.......what I think is that Harry Potter is way old now, the movie is dumb, and I got over Harry Pothead in 7th Grade.(im a freshman in HS now)

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Guest Tie Guy
Originally posted by TK-421

Im just testing out how you post here....hold on...


Oh Heck no! 15, please tell me you didn't bring him here. And you better not have either Redwing.


TK, if your gonna stay we have some rules that RS.net doesn't have. Mainly that you can't SPAM! So you might as well leave now. You also might want to change your sig, it is awfully big.

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I agree, i hate harry potter also. It was written by a woman, but that doesn't mean women are evil! Look Mr., i dunno how old you are, but if you think women are evil, well there's something wrong w/ you. That's just disturbed and messed up.




What's spam?

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Guest Rogue15

ya, i brought him here. i'm sick of being flamed and decided on abandoning rs.net, it's getting dum over there anyways. and decided to bring some of the good members from there over to here. and i told him not to spam, he was just testing his sig. :bdroid2:

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Guest TK-421
Originally posted by Tie Guy


Oh Heck no! 15, please tell me you didn't bring him here. And you better not have either Redwing.


TK, if your gonna stay we have some rules that RS.net doesn't have. Mainly that you can't SPAM! So you might as well leave now. You also might want to change your sig, it is awfully big.

Dream on wierdo. I think i'll stay, thank you very much.

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I don't hate Harry Potter.....Sure the Hype, The Merchadising and all the other cr@p.....is well, cr@p......but some of the books are quite good.......not as good as everyone is making it out to be.......but good none the less :)


And to hate a charecter in a book is pretty sad......if you don't like it, ignore it ;)

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Guest Redwing

I love Harry Potter. I've noticed that every person who's flamed HP has never read HP. Very interesting. :rolleyess Several of my friends also thought Harry Potter sucked...until they read the books. lol



@ R15: I repeat, abandon RS.net and I will hunt you down and kill you. :p Although I think I'll start posting here as well, far away from the likes of Mega Morta and Helix.


@ Tie Guy: Nope, don't look at me, bringing TK wasn't my idea.

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Originally posted by Redwing

I love Harry Potter. I've noticed that every person who's flamed HP has never read HP. Very interesting. :rolleyess Several of my friends also thought Harry Potter sucked...until they read the books. lol


I totally agree with you Redwing.. I think the Harry Potter books are very well written and entertaining.. You have to decide for yourself if you like it.. Not some Christan Fundementalist who hasn't read the books but says their evil..

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Guest Redwing
Originally posted by Clefo


I totally agree with you Redwing.. I think the Harry Potter books are very well written and entertaining.. You have to decide for yourself if you like it.. Not some Christan Fundementalist who hasn't read the books but says their evil..


I actually am a Christian. But in my opinion, like Star Wars, Harry Potter is just harmless fantasy. Nothing wrong with it. :)

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Guest Lord Tirion

I bougth the Ralph Bakshi animated LOTR movie a month ago and in the beginning of it, it had the Harry Potter trailer. I for one have never read the books so I cant say if I hate it or not, but the trailer looked entertaining and a movie you can watch and relax too.

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