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need help to understand how to use script or can you write the script for me


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I am very new to this website but i am a fan of Star Wars Kotor and TSL.

Hello to anyone who can help me with my ideas of scripts. I am very new to this programming a script for Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. I have downloaded many files for the first and second game. My point is, I am totally clueless of making a script. I look up every possible forum I hope to help me with and still very clueless. Here are the list of ideas I'm trying to do:


1.Make a Force Power that is like a Transformation Jutsu from “Naruto”, basically disguise yourself in the first game with any form of people like a Sith Soldier, animal, original Revan, droid, and Dark Jedi. Something like Mind Trick sort of setting. For both games.


2.A combine Force Power of Force Sight, Force Fury, and Master Force Speed all at once in the second game and last about 5 minute, and also see people who are cloak if possible. For the second Game.


3.A Force Power that is a Summoning Jutsu from “Naruto” to summon for example a “Zekkeg”, “Terantanak”, or some other creature into Battle, they would only last until the target is dead and the creature is dead. Both game.


4.A hand-to-hand combat Force Power with the hand glowing with fire, every hit shoot out lightning and after the hit is a Force Push. Combine damage of the high level of fire, Force Lightning, and Force Push. This power would only last about 5 minute. In Both Games


5.A Force Power that shoot out Multiply Master Power Shot like 20 shots at once, the damage and aiming will be the same as if you actual shot a gun. The aim can be at one person to many like Force Lightning from your hand, the color be blue for Light Side and red for Dark Side. For both games


6.A Force Power that shoot out Multiply Master Rapid Shot like 60 shots at once, the damage and aiming will be the same as if you actual shot a gun. The aim can be at one person to many like Force Lightning from your hand, the color be blue for Light Side and red for Dark Side. For both game


7.Making a Third Level Throw Lightsaber, making a lightsaber to target all target while splitting into multiply lightsaber. 1=2 2=4 4=8 8=16 kind of split until of target are hit at least once. For both games


8.Making a Fourth Level Force Kill that target all of the target instead of one at a time. For both game


9.Making a Force Power that looks Force Breathe but it is a power that acts like the combine shield of Mandalorian Power Shield and Verpine Prototype Shield. It would last as long as Force Breathe and deactivate like a shield if hit too much. For Both Games


10.Is it possible to have more than two NPC to be with you in the first and second game. Ex. “Me, Atton, Mira, HK-47, and G0-T0” There are times I want to more or all of the character at one time, it seems like an interesting idea. For both games.


11.Is it possible to have all of the worlds except Dantooine and Korriban from the first game to the second game and play on those worlds as the Exile, for the Exile and the crew to relive Revan's mission and Kreia to teach the Exile more about Revan. Of course, make it part of the Quest journal to make it a challenge and a lot of Sith with lightsaber battle. Especially on Tatooine in the Great Desert with over 40 Sith not solder. If it is possible, can you please make for me and anyone else who would to give it a try. Who knows, you might design the idea for the third game of Kotor, of course without Kreia for the third game.


12.Is it possible to add the Dark Jedi with the hood from the first game to the second game with the Sith assassin to make it a better challenge.


What does Multiplier set means? When I edit the UTC file of the character.


Like I said before, can you please make the script for me to copy and paste. If not, can you try to help me to understand how to make my own script, step by step what each function does I know what you talking about. I doing this not just for me, I'm doing this because I want to be nice to my little brother. I really would be thankful to you. You can tell people that you wrote the script and tell that I came up with the idea to be fair.


Thank you for reading and I thank you more if you do the script or better make it for me. Either way I thank you all for trying.



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