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[NSW-Fic] Evil Terror

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Evil Terror

During a dark Caribbean night, a terror was awoken. A terror, whose past was littered with blood, it killed for pleasure, food, and life. The creature had sharp razor like teeth, ears that looked like knives, and claws like the edge of the sword. The creature wanted revenge. Millennia ago the ancient Tiano’s of the Caribbean had captured this creature while it was doing a mission for its master. When it awoke it found it self in a cage. The creature tried to break free, but it wasn’t able to get out, the cage was made of the finest iron, and the strongest leather. The creature knew it couldn’t get out. The creature stayed in that cage for a century, until this tribal elder let it loose. The creature then killed the elder, and returned into the land of Hell. The creature was told by its master to wait until the perfect time. Then it could return into the world, and get its revenge. Then creature then set out to find its first victim.

The creature had found its first victim. A little boy about 4 yrs old was walking with his mother. The creature’s mouth was filling with saliva. Then it struck, the boy was the first to go, then the mother. The creature’s claws covered with blood, its mouth was filled with the boy’s meat. The creature left the mother skinned, and turned into a kebab. The creature then headed into the Tiano village.







The creature entered the village with a taste for blood. The creature then entered a dark house. The creature then waited for its victim to come. When the victim opened the door she screamed of fear. The creature then made its move. The creature then dragged the bloody body of the women, and threw it into the pier. The creature then heard this loud yell. It was coming from the village. The creature, knew that it had done its job. It then saw a carrier; the creature got in the water, and headed towards the carrier. The creature finally got on, and waited to get to its next destination. The carrier was bound for New York City.

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