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[TSL] Recruit Ramana


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I was just playing another round of TSL and was working my way through Telos. Paid Doton (hey it's quick and I had lot's of credits) for Ramana, took her back to Bozo Twi'lek (Harra) and then gave her her freedom. As she was walking away a couple of silly thoughts occurred to me as well as one 'semi-reasonable' thought.


Silly thought 1: Hey, her skin hue would make a good match for my favorite light-sabre color.


Silly thought 2: She could be a little more grateful.


Semi-reasonable thought: She could show her gratitude by joining my merry band of marauders as we march off to do battle with the Sith (or take over the Sith for you DSers. And considering the DS that opens up a couple of other "recruitment" scenarios).


So who would she replace? The Handmaiden would make sense to me. There are some _issues_ with that however.


P1. The scenes where the Handmaiden is teaching the Exile some fighting moves. (Where did Ramana learn to fight)


S1. Maybe dialog could be modified to make it seem the Exile is teaching Ramana some fighting moves.


P2. If Ramana is fitted into the Handmaidens position in the game how would the end game play out with their return to the Hidden Academy.


S1. Perhaps some of the end game material from the Disciple point of view could be used.


Those are just two of the problem areas that I can think of. I'm sure there's a few more. There are a couple of things that would help make this mod possible.


There are already a large number of female Twi'lek sound files that could be used for this purpose, so (I'm guessing) you wouldn't have to create new ones. Most of the Handmaiden's dialog scripts could be used with minor (ok major in some places) adjustments.


There are obviously a lot more issues to work out but I thought I'd toss the idea out and see if anyone liked the idea. And to see if anyone with the skill to do a project this size was interested.





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