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[NSW-Fic] Crystal Planet

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I bet none of you had the time to read the crazy off the wall amount of chapters I added theo hter day, but your not missing out anything key so I'll just put in what big things happened.


JJ died.

The team saved Crystal Island.

Mike and Cory returned to the Island.




Cory and Mike, have just left Platinum Fields for the second time, ready to go to Crystal Island once more. They do not know it, but the rest of the gang are in deep trouble, and it's just about time the two friends returned to help once more.


This time round, the team will not be fighting to save Crystal Island, but instead the whole galaxy. Can they defeat the new enemies that oppose them as well as the old? Find out...


Chapter 1


Landing with a thump Cory and Mike grazed themselves on the dirty ground. Both of them grumbled and pulled each other up. The same tasty air and the lovely smell of Crystal Island welcomed them to their old home.


"We're back" sighed Mike looking around....


* * *


Clifton ran at a speedy pace tumbling over as he went a few times.

"Clifton, you are not getting away this time!" a familiar voice screamed. Leroy's long brown hair danced in the air as he chased after his arch enemy.


"Where is the rest of the team?" he shouted to himself with worry. He noticed two figures standing at the high point of Muki, the tallest mountain on Crystal Island that peaked over the rest gigantically.


"Geesh, they look like one of us" he said surprised. Running towards the foot of the mountain he leaped over a giant river prancing in the air and gaining even faster speeds as he raced up like he never had before in his life.


"Crap" mumbled Leroy arrogantly. "He's getting away, the twit" he said raising a sword. "Emma! Backup!" he screamed at the top of his voice. Appearing at his side magicly a second dark figure was running. Her blonde hair tumbled behind her back carelessly.


"Fast isn't he?" Leroy panted.

"Sadly" replied Emma calmly. Clifton eventually reached the point falling down in utter exhaustion. He opened his eyes, and two figures loomed over him.


"M- mike? Cory? Holy crackers!! Your back! This is er.... great but umm Emma and Leroy are on their way... and they're after me... again!"


"Those two idiots still bug you lot?" Cory asked astounded.

"Yes" panted Clifton. "The team our coming up the other side of the mountain, We're having a meeting, about what we're going to do about them two. They'll be thrilled to see you."


Then, in an instant Emma and Leroy appeared standing their casually with the cocky smiles over their faces.


Then before anything could be said, a loud noise was heard and many feet came scampering, then bodies tumbling infront of them.


"Mike! Cory!" they all shouted astonished. Jamie and Rebecca stood there. Jamie hadn't grown much taller, but Rebecca had. Riko and Fazlah were the same little goblins as they always were. Andrew and Splint stood gobsmacked at the sight of their two old friends. Jordan stood there her now scruffy brown hair dangling all over the place. Firas was sitting down, a great smile across his face.


"Yeh, reunion is over, let's get down to the killing" cackled Emma with a glint in her eyes.


"Get rid of the golden boys first" she muttered jumping forward sword raised and she flung it down. Cory dodged and the sword smashed into the ground. Then the whole mountain shook. Emma looked about her wearily. Leroy's face looked scared.


"What the?" Mike asked. Then a beam of light erupted out of the ground pushing Emma backward's. The ten crystals of the island gleamed like the sun infront of them magically.


Then, Muki began shaking madly, more crazy than an earthquake. Mike and Cory grabbed onto the crystals tightly. It steadied themselves. The rest of the team jumped on and grabbed them too.


"What? I'm not hanging around here, grab on Leroy!" Emma screamed grabbing on. Then everything froze. Everyone looked around. The area around them was moving fast. Things were growing rapidly, and day and night kept coming and going every couple of seconds.


"Is, time fastforwarding?" Andrew asked chewing on his beard. Then, the moving stopped. A hovercraft whizzed over their heads.


"We've gone into the future!" Firas shouted in glee. Then the shaking happened again, this time far more powerful. Crystal Island began to rise into the sky. The whole land began extending and getting bigger and bigger. They looked down, Crystal Island was leaving the planet, but, it seemed like the Island itself was bigger than the planet.


"I didn't know it was this big" gawped Cory.

"No, the island is growing, and we're going up....!" Then, it began racing up at tremendous speed, shooting through the clouds at terrifying speeds, and then everything stopped...

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Chapter 2


Everyone moaned. Cory dragged himself up first. Looking into the sky, he mumbled with utter shock. In the sky, a large red ball was seen. It was not the sun, as at the moment it was night. Stars were everywhere, and several hovercraft flew over head.


"So first we went through time..... and now space" he said in shock. Everyone else dragged themselves up.


"Is that, another planet?" Riko asked looking at the giant red ball.

"Yes, it seems Crystal Island, for some reason everything fast forwarded, and somehow in that time, for some reason we dont know, Crystal Island was ripped from our planet, extended to a much larger size and the gravity of whatever galaxy we are in compressed it into a ball" Clifton explained thoughtfully.


"How are we going to find out then?" Firas asked.

"Well, we need to find out why first, and find out a way how to get back" Clifton replied. "It's a whole new mystery" he grumbled.


The team looked around. In once direction, one star looked quite a bit bigger. It was pure white, it was a planet very far away. In the opposite direction the sun shone madly, and the planet was very hot because of being so close.


Looking to your right of the big red planet, further away was a very small grey one. Then, even further away, a small green dot was seen. Obiviosuly another planet.


Then, a red blast went overhead and everyone ducked. The sound of feet was heard. They looked to another direction.


A team of humans in big silver metal suits came charging forward. They had big blue masks on made of bronze that had eye shades over their eyes.


"Out of the way, Death Troops are invading the area, go to your homes!" shouted the leader that was infront, the rest of the troops behind following in a v shape. They moved out of the way.


"What the hell have you done?" Leroy shouted out of the blue. The team forgot they were there.


"We won't kill you now, but once we find out more of where we are, and what's going on, we'll be back!" Emma hissed. The two ran down Muki disappearing...

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" Chapter 3


"What, invasion by who?" Cory asked completley confused.

"Death Troops" mumbled Andrew slowly. "Midnight Invasion. Good plan." he nodded.

"I dont like the sound of them" Firas said folding his arms. Then, the whole area began to shake madly and they almost tumbled of the edge of Muki.


They looked down as the soldiers ran down the hill. Then, there was a crack and a large black spaceship the size of a whale landed abrutly.


Then, the door slammed down onto the ground and steam rolled out. At first they heard the trample of heavy footsteps. Then piling out of the ship was black figures. On their heads were black masks with thick transparent eye shields. They had black armour with grey pads on their elbows and knees. Also covered in cloaks, to give them a more mysterious feel about them. Sharp and thin studs were attachted to their feets as they walked through the mud slowly.


The other side, whoever they were had reached the foot of the mountain and began firing. It was a sparkly fight. They blasted heavy guns, black fire and red piercing each other as man fell down to their knees in death.


"Let's help them!" shouted Jamie and he sprinted down the hill with the team.


Then, when they reached the bottom the army of remaining Death Troops charged towards the team.

"Kill them! It's defiantly the kids sent from the past!" shouted one with a croaky evil voice. Quicky Mike noticed a small white ship that the team might be able to scramble into.


"Get into that!" he shouted already running. They scrambled inside. Clifton took the front seat, and fiddled with the controls.


"How does this work!" Clifton raged slamming a fist down angrily on a large button. The engine crackled abruptly, and the the ship blasted of at terrifying speeds. Clifton grabbed the wheel and soon got the hang of steering. They zoomed of as blastfire bounced of the ship. They were heading to the small grey planet..

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Chapter 4


Ten minutes later....


Andrew and Splint sat in the back, talking baout something private while the others were fascinated in the ways of how the ship worked. It was all so new... being in a galaxy close to other planets.


"So it's decided then?" Splint asked nervously.

"Yes" Andrew replied firmly,

"I want to explore though" moaned Splint.

"Well, we can another time, who knows whats new on Crystal" he repliedcalmly.

"Mhmm" he quietly. "What do we tell them?"

"I dont know" he grumbled slightly angrily.

"Once we get to this place, no hanging around hear me? We'll just go."

"What?" he shouted rather loudly. He leaned closer to Andrew. "We have to say goodbye!"

"No, they'll keep us with them. Saying goodbye is too tearful! We can't always stay together. When they return, we will likely see them again."

a tear trickled from Splint's eye.

"So thats how it is then?" he asked nodding.

"Yes, someone has to look after it" he replied with a weak smile.

"Yes, good point!"


The ship landed rather clumsily into a giant city. This was the planet. Named Mofobia.

Giant cities and cities towered each other like plants growing. They were grey, black and people were bustling here and there in every direction.

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Chapter 5


Clifton, clumsily made touchdown with the small craft as people around rasied fists and grumbled at the bad piloting. Andrew and Splint scurried out of the ship quickly and ran off to who knows where... most likely back to Crystal Planet.


Andrew and Splint have left this story, but who knows when they might return.


The city was amazing. It seemed like everything was everywhere. Peoples everywhere, hovercraft, transport, factories, animals, species, shops, skyscrapers, smells, clowns, bands, music. It was all there, and was breathtaking.


The group of warriors stood there, in their old clothes, shabby outline and rotten hair holding swords, probably the oldest form of weapon known in the day. They stuck out like a saw thumb. Everyone looked at them curiously.


"We need to fit in more" Mike said looking at himself. "We look like gits!" Cory laughed lightly.

"He's right, our weapons even suck!"

"Yeh, and how did we get these?" Jamie blundered. Everyone turned to look. There was a silver necklace around his neck.

"That's odd, but it's cool so I'm keeping mine" smiled Firas holding onto his brown one.


So the team decided to keep this piece of clothing, but had to find a way to buy clothes. Jamie shoved a hand in his pocket, and pulled some money out.


"How did I get this?" he shouted. Everyone turned to him again. They felt inside their pockets. Money, and lots of it.

"How is this all working out? Someone's pulling strings here.." Clifton said eyeing everyone carefully. "Someone, not in this group, but someone is making sure everything goes right for us."

"So?" laughed Cory. "That's good."

"I suppose" replied Clifton lowly.


So, they walked down one of the many highstreets, and Rebecca noticed a shop called "Everything you need to survive." She frowned at the name, but beckoned her friends to follow.


The name of the shop, was true. There was guns and armor. Medicine kits, and other powerful weapons like super charged crossbows.


"I like this" said Mike plucking at the metal strong of the crossbow. "I'm used to Arrows, this is my stuff!"

Cory looked around, and found a first shot- first kill gun that is carried with two hands. Jamie picked a small one handed pistol that when hitting the foe, burned them severly. Rebecca found a sniper rifle, with very long range.


Clifton, looked around and eventually found what he liked the look off. It was a long pole. It was shiny silver, and was very mature looking. It used electric rays to paralyse foe. Firas found dual guns, the shot bullets that burst into flames.


Riko and Fazlah, were mainly looking for something small and powerful. So they both picked one handed guns, that shot lasers.


This cost them alot of money, but these kids were very skilled and did not need armor. It probably would not save them anyway...

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Chapter 6


Jordan was thrown against the wall violently by a black figure. She slithered down and landed on the floor lazily. There was a big red cut on her chin that bled lightly.. She would have just had a great day, but no. Just before she entered that shop, she was taken by this terrible dark figure. Nobody noticed a thing.


Jordan wept lightly. She didn't like this. She was in great trouble. Seperated from her friends, who knows where she was?


It was still on Mofobia. She stopped crying, and looked up weakly. It was a long dark figure with bright green eye shields. It wore a dark cape, and held a heavy black rifle. Jordan gulped. She didn't want to die this way.


"W- who are you?" she stuttered afraid.

"Someone, who is assigned to kill you, and all your pesky friends. We knew you lot were coming, and all of you shall die. Jordan grabbed her sword and stood up bolt upright. The menacing foe laughed.


"A sword? That is hardly a weapon known! You didn't get modernised." The figure sneered beneath his mask. "Your friends did!"


Jordan held up a sword.

"I may die, in the name of peanut butter, I shall fight you!" she yelled.

"Peabut what?" the figure hissed darkly. Then it raised the gun and shot a red blast. Jordan held up her sword and it bounced off her sword, snapping it in half...

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