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K1: Female armor and weapons


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I have been playing Kotor 1 quite a bit lately, and continue to be annoyed by two features of the game. Is there someone who is capable and willing to take a shot at changing this?

1) weapons are incredibly oversized. With a female PC, a short sword looks like a normal one, a regular sword is two-handed at best, and the quarterstaff should only come to a player chest, but instead appears to be about 1.5 times the length of the character. This by the way is even worse in TSL.

2) Armor looks odd on the women in this game. Bastila's normal clothes (aside of the odd and unpractical flaps) shows off her chest while at the same time having some leather proctection in front and the shoulders. Regular armor on women hides/flattens the chest. I have tried to mod this myself, and while I can handle Kotor Tool and Gimp, editing MDX/MDL files is out of my league.


Many thanks in advance for any help/tips.

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