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[K1] Years Ago I Started A Complex Mod...


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Hello everyone. I haven't been activate on these forums in years. Back then a released a few small mods for this game (if pcgamemods hadn't gone down, you could of used the link in my sig to see them). Trying to remember, I think I made Clear Core Lightsabers, Invisible Headgear, Black Core Lightsabers, Recruitable Vandar, and Recruitable Yoda mods.


Back then, I think I left because I was burned out of KotOR modding at the time; frustrated by how much time my most ambitious project was consuming, leaving zero time to actually play any video games.


The other day I got thinking about it again and realized I still have all the mod files I was working on. However I have completely forgotten everything I knew about KotOR modding.


What I want to do is pass on the work I started to a talented modder (with exceptional scripting skills) that would like to finish it. I'll try to describe my vision for the mod.


It was to be an update to my Recruit Yoda mod, but also so much more. At the time, Colja was kind enough to allow me to use a Yoda texture from one of his works. At my request, he also made an additional texture for me to use in this new project. The additional texture was for a character I code-named Zoka, a character of the same race as Yoda but fully dark side. The texture gives him red skin and dark purple clothing.


What I was planning doing was adding an encounter at a yet-to-be-determined location in the game where the player stumbles upon Yoda and Zoka in battle. Upon the player's approach, one of the two would call out to him. This would cause some short back and forth banter between the two before asking the player some questions. Depending on how the player chooses to answer, he would join one or the other in the battle. When the one the player and his new ally are fighting becomes extremely weakened, the battle would be stopped and somehow he would get away. At this point another conversation would launch between the player and his new ally. During this conversation, the player would be given the choice to allow the ally to become a permanent member of his group (replacing T3-M4, for height reasons).


Once joinned on, these would be a fully function allies that works just as all the other party members. I even wanted to take the time to write and add in banter dialogue for the player to learn more about his new ally.


Don't think I forget about the other one though, the one the player chose to fight and that got away. I was planning on making him come back powered-up at some point near the end of the game for a final to the death battle.


So really this mod was going to be two recruitment mods rolled into one, with a bridging storyline between the two characters and a choice being given to the player on each of his playthroughs. I was also going to release with it a All-In-One-Force-Powers compatible version that would let the new potential recruits have some of the Force-Powers from that mod.


As far as the conversations between the player and the two potential recruits; it was going to be more comical than anything. The one named Yoda would speak as Yoda from the movies does, where the one code-named Zoka would mock him for it. If the player chose Yoda to join this time, at some point during the new dialogue, he would make some reference to his ancestors being named Yoda as its a name that is passed on to each generation.


Other than the comical dialogue, either one would be a powerful ally on any player's time. Yoda would be a powerful Light side Consular while Zoka would be a powerful Dark side Consular.


Well all that was the plan. I spent months working on the project but never quite finished. At this point I have the two custom textures complete (thanks Colja!), the scripts for the first encounter and battle complete, and the recruitment of either one after the battle complete. What still needs to be done is the selection of the proper location for the first encounter, the writing of the banter dialogue for them once they are an official part of the player's group, the selection and scripting of the second and final encounter, and lastly, the AIOFP-compatible version.


Well there it is, all of what the vision for the mod is, what is done, and what is still left to do. Actually the hardest part of the entire mod is already done; the scripting of the first encounter, choosing a side, finishing the correct battle, and then getting the recruitment option. This is what took me so long and so much work to figure out and get working right but it is done. Eventhough nothing too terribly hard is left, it could be time consuming.


As I said earlier I want to pass this on to a talented modder with exceptional scripting skills (the major modders I remember from back in my day were RedHawke, Darth333, stoffe, Chains.2da, T7Nowhere, Darkkender, Achillies, Gsccc, svosh, and tk102, however I have no idea who are the major modders now). All I ask is for a credit to Colja in the ReadMe for his textures and a credit for myself (Simbacca) for the concept and the scripting of the intial encounter and recruitment.


What do you all think?

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Anyone else have any interest in completing this mod? I don't mind having seeing some competition as I really want to see this mod completed and done so well.


Hey there, This sounds like an excellent mod, I've nearly completed my current mod and was thinking of what to do next, I'd be more than happy to take this on if you'd let me.


Kind Regards



Well you certainly are the front-runner at the moment :D. I don't already know you or any of your work so I must ask: Do you have the drive to finish this rather large mod and the skills to do so? I really want to leave this in capable hands.


to tell you the truth, this sounds like a really great mod.


Thanks, I thought it would be when I started (and unfortunately stopped) working on it 3 years ago. Hopefully we can find a competent and dedicated modder to finish it. Since Deadly Steam is in the lead now hopefully he is such a modder :)

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Yes I do have the drive to finish this mod, like most people here I do work full time so the time I get to spend on mods is a bit limited, but no matter how long it takes I will get it done.


I'll admit that I'm nowhere near as talented as the guys you mentioned in the first post but I feel that I'll be able to get it done.


I hope that you will let me take this on but I'll understand if you don't, this sounds like such a good mod that I'll be happy to see it no matter who does it.


Take Care



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Ok then Deadly Stream, you got it. I just have to find the time to reinstall the game, load the mod up, and see exact how I left it. Doing so will allow me to create a write-up of exactly where I left off and what specifics I may have forgotten to mention in this post; to help in you sorting out what I have done so far. I can't promise exactly when I will do this, but I hope to do so soon.

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