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Console style JA coop mod


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I would like to create a mod for JA, that would feature some really simply laid but possibly difficult changes. I hope I can explain it the right way.


-As mentioned, I would like to add secondary controls for another player (the coop part).

-This would be difficult to execute in 1st person (or 3rd person) as it is by default in the game on 1 machine. So I would like to "move" the camera away from the player(s) and let it move on its own path. It would follow player(s) throughout the environment (it should be literally ´dragged´ around at a certain distance from the player(s)). And it shouldnt be just one camera. Like when you go through a tunnel, one camera that followed you will stop at its entrance and somewhere halfway down the tunnel the view gets switched to antoher camera ´waiting´ for you at the end of that tunnel....


I hope you get my idea. There is much more to this as a whole, but the camera is the 1st step. Im completely lost q3/jkja editing. There seem to be very few tutorials on such issues and besides that Ive never edited a q3engine based game before....


I would like to know if such modifications are possible and mainly if they are heavy on the scripting language knowledge (meaning: how much time I will spend with this as a complete noob)



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Could it be so hard? I was like I tell the camera to hang on to a path (line) inside a level and follow the player from a distance. So that actually the level itself could hold the secret to that magical camera movement?

OR as you proposed, I could use simple fixed camera. but then I would need to use more cameras and switch between them with triggers or something...

Neither of which I know how to start with. Are there ANY decent tutorials like for Unreal? (i.e. 3D Buzz, unrealwiki)

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Thats a pity...

You look like you know a thing or two about this engine ;P

Could you please try to outline some rough things to me like if its possible to make the game take input for two characters on one machine (coop), or how is the camera attached to the player....


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