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Sunry's case and a discount


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Me again.

So I defended Sunry and he was found innocent and Sith were forced to subsidy the Republic's trade... but I still don't have that damned discount, which I should. I mean in the local stores.


And for some reason trader Tyvark says:

"The Selkath now seem more distant than before... They treat members of the Republic at arms length only... I hope this does not negatively impact our trade."

I really don't know why.


Anyone has a clue? Maybe I have too many mods installed :(

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Well, I think the point thing may have been about how to line up the right series of dialog choices to force the Sith to subsidize Republic Kolto purchases. Took a quick playthrough of that segment and if there's a way to discount Tyvark's merchandise.. it may only be by modding his .utm file. Only other thing I can think of would be to see if Tyvark has more than one store .utm file or to check his dialog file and see if there are any scripts that punt you over to a discounted store selection.


Oh, Tyvark also used that line prior to my defending Sunry (I visited him BOTH before/after the trial).

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