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KSE Tutorial


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KSE Tutorial by DarthJebus05


What is KSE?:


KSE is short for KotOR Save Game Editor. It is a program which allows you to edit your save games, giving you weapons, changing your appearance, character sound sets, edit how many sabers, credits and even security spikes you have.


You can choose which save games you want to edit on both games. KSE will automatically detect your KotOR games and the saved games.


Editing a Save:


Savegame Name: Whatever you named your saved game, the name will appear here.


Area Name: The name of the area you were in when you saved it will appear here.


Last Module: Kind of like the Area Name. Modules have all the items, dialog, the terrain, dialog and characters for the game.


Player Name: Remember back when you named your character? Well, his/her name will be in this line. You can change it if you please.


Gender: You can change your Gender here. This will do nothing at all if you change your gender around.


Appearance: You also got to choose what you looked like at the beginning of the game. This line allows you to change to any appearance you want that was in the game. If you want to be Jolee Bindo, then you can be.


Portrait: This is the little box in the game where you see the picture of your head. If you change it to Jolee while you're still in your main appearance, it will only have a picture of Jolee, you wont become him.

Sound Set: Easy enough. This is for the sounds when characters are in battle. This does not change the conversation sounds.


Attributes: Here you can change all your Attributes to what you want.


Current Party: This just changes you is in your party. If you killed Juhani on Dantooine, then you obviously can't put her in your party.

NPC'S: This is just like editing your main character, but you're editing your party members.


Globals: We will leave this part out, since it is worthless if you're editing your appearance, skills and items in your inventory.


Time Played: Simple enough, this tells you how long you have played, you can change it if you want.


Cheats Used: You can tick Yes or No. If you click yes, your save game picture on the load screen will say CHEATS USED in yellow writing.


Hit Points: Also known as your health.


Max Hit Points: Must be either the same or higher then your Hit Points.


Min1HP: Click yes to always have 1 health, so you will never die.


Force Points: This one is simple too. Change this if you want more Force points.


Max Force Points: This has to be the same or higher then your Force Points.


Classes: You can change what kind of class and Jedi you are, you can be every class if you want.


Experience: Your current experience, change this if you want to reach the max level straight away.


GoodEvil: 100 is Max Light Side, and 0 is Max Dark Side. 50 is halfway between Light Side and Dark Side.


Skills: Change your skills here. Skills include the Demolitions, Pursuade, Stealth, etc.


Feats: Add or remove your Feats here.


Credits: Subtract or add more credits using this.


Party XP: The total experience points your whole party has.

Inventory: Add whatever you want to your inventory. This excludes custom items.


Quests: If you're sick of only talking to Bastila or Carth once a level, you can change it to the last option in the drop down bar to finish the quest.


Saving your changes:


Every time you change one thing, you must press Apply then Commit Changes before changing something else, or it will not work ingame.

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