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[K1] Losing my DS points

Darth Iniquity

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Ok, so i'm a bit annoyed and was hoping some might be able to if not help me with tips, then share in my irkdome. This is my first time playing through DS rather than LS, and well I guess i'm not naturally an evil person, 'cause even though its just a game I feel bad about choosing the Dark path with some cases. Is it just me or are some of the DS choices not really evil but just being a D#%@ for no reason? Isn't it the case that an evil person can do a good deed with the intention of doing evil later?


My real problem however, is there have been some dialog/action choices (i'll try and do this without spoilers) that seem to only trigger a quest/action if you choose the LS option. So I chose the DS option but no action. hmmm went back to the converstaion chose the LS option got some LS points... LOST my DS mastery bonus, now here's the big catch... have done/gained like 5 or 6 additional DS points since then and am still no where near getting my DS mastery back? Whats up with this? I go through the whole game an evil a-hole then make one decision to do something not so bad and now i'm a good guy?

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Wasn't so much a problem i need solving as it was just complaining and hoping to get some support. Recieved one PM on this that broke down the DS vs LS points for some of the side quest actions on Taris and they were lopsided to the LS. As well I had no idea there were actual point totals associated.


*SPOILERS* follow

Please excuse me butchering names-

the quest i'm particularly annoyed with is on Kashyyk, in the shadowlands. I had my DS mastery *in voice of spinal tap* i mean how much more black could it be? When I come upon ?can't remember the wookie's name getting beat up by the mandalorians, i kill off the mandalorians, talk with him, be an a-hole get my DS point, but I don't get any info on the Mandalorians, so I'm concerned they won't be triggerd to de-cloak and attack me. So I talk to the wookie again and help him heal so he gives the info on the mandalorians. LS points gained. From that point I kill Freyyr DS, talk with the starforge map hologram DS points, go to trial with Woorwil find him guilty, DS points, get ?can't remember name? to kill Eli, DS points, and I am still no where near getting my DS mastery back... upsetting that I had the DS mastery, kept doing DS stuff, then boom one LS action and I lose a bunch of points.

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Well I have sorta kinda done the same thing. I have gone totally darkside, and without realizing it, done a lightside option. It generally screwed up my darkside mastery. It took me like 4 or 5 more darkside acts to get me back to darkside mastery. So it does take a little while to do so.


Answering your first paragraph: I have no idea why it would do something like that. Perhaps it is a bug/glitch. I have no idea how to help you on that. If you only have this problem in one certain area of the game, you should probably re-load your game until before you hit this troubled area of the game. Although, I have have to agree with TKA-001, you need to specify and be a little bit more detailed in your posts, especially when you are asking for help. Hope that I helped!



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You don't need info from the wookie to encounter the mandos. Just let the leader of your party go unarmed and they will show up. When the game pauses on auto, you just rearm your party leader. Repeat this one more time for the 2nd set and then take the pad to the bikes and that should activate the 3rd and final set.

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Thanks, Toten I figured I should have tried that first, but well... I don't know. Like I said I was afraid there was a trigger off the dialog and when I didn't get the dialog I wanted I tried again.


Still a bit annoyed at the game's interpretation of dark actions. Reckless with no concern of the future, that is a DS thing but should not be the ONLY choice for a DS player.

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