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Blank Screen upon start up of JKA SP and MP


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I don't know if it makes a difference but I run Vista...thought it was worth mentioning because I know Vista has trouble with games.


Anyway. I installed JKA and updated, changed compatibility and it all worked fine.


Yesterday, I went on to the Windows Experience Index rating (START>CONTROL PANEL (Classic View)>SYSTEM>WINDOWS EXPERIENCE RATING) and noticed that the Graphics part had not been updated, so I refreshed it and it updated my graphics rating, turning on the Aero Graphics feature.


I then went to start up JKA and it started to load and I experienced the usual change in resolution before the JKA start up image comes up but nothing else came up. It was blank. This happened with both Single Player and Multiplayer.


I turned off the Aero feature changing it back to the basic theme but the problem still continued.


I then upgraded to Directx 10 and no I get blue screen (of death?) with physical memory dump.


I forgot to mention I've tried reinstalling (twice) so that won't help. Also, my graphics card is ATI Radeon HD2400GT


What has happened? It would be great if you guys could help me! I think I have given sufficient information, but just say if you need more.



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