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Guest grannen

AI and Max Payne are the same or same type of persons.



MP made a posting and AI answered within 1 minute. They had the same IP.






Calvin.gifHobbes.gif and Grannen

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Originally posted by Grannen:

AI and Max Payne are the same or same type of persons.



MP made a posting and AI answered within 1 minute. They had the same IP.



yeah, i know but i dont care about max pain, i just dont want him using my sig, ya know... wink.gif









Arnold Schwazenegger is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his fat ass in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Oh, come on, Al! This is exactly the sort of thing the mods don't like; most of us don't want him here, and then you moan when he is banned. <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm43.gif" border=0>




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Originally posted by The Feral Chicken:

Oh, come on, Al! This is exactly the sort of thing the mods don't like; most of us don't want him here, and then you moan when he is banned. <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm43.gif" border=0>



in not moaning cause his banned, i was asking to ban AI!









Arnold Schwazenegger is the stupidest fucking bastart that ever shoed his fat ass in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW BITCH! :p

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Yes you are! You said that Max and Arnold shouldn't be banned, but they already have been and already were when you posted, thus giving the impression you want them back. And what is it you find so confusing? To ban AI, you need to also ban Max and Arnold.




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duh i dindt know they had banned them by then rolleyes.gif


bsides, (if u read what i worte back then) i dotn care if ArnoldS and PAIN are posting or not, i just dont want anyone using my name/sig, therefore, u need to ban AI. is it so hard to understand tongue.gif







Arnold Schwazenegger is the stupidest ****ing bastart that ever shoed his fat ass in this forum. COPY MY SIG NOW *****! :p

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Originally posted by Feral:

It also isn't hard to understand that AI has already been banned!


how many times do i have to say? BT TIME I WROTE TAHT, I DIDNT KNOW THEY WERE BANNED!

comon feral, u understood that, u r just acting like my sister, replying just to say something, even if its stupid... rolleyes.gif









since ArnoldS and AI and PAIN left, i dotn have what to wirte in here :D (that doesnt mean , FERAL, that i wnat them back :p)

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No, but you said about 30 mins ago...u need to ban AI. But I'd already told you they had banned him!


And I find it offensive you say I post just for posting's sake. You, sir, are in no position to accuse others of spam, you double posting gimp.

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Originally posted by Feral:

No, but you said about 30 mins ago...u need to ban AI. But I'd already told you they had banned him!


when?!?!?! confused.gif i read the whole thing twice and didnt find it!


Originally posted by Feral:

And I find it offensive you say I post just for posting's sake. You, sir, are in no position to accuse others of spam, you double posting gimp


im not accusing u of spam, im saying that u look like my sister: when we argue and she starts to lose, she says stuff like"well... and ... your ugly!... frown.gif ", just so she wont sit there looking at my face, showing that she lost the fight. ya know what i mean?







since ArnoldS and AI and PAIN left, i dotn have what to wirte in here biggrin.gif (that doesnt mean , FERAL, that i wnat them back tongue.gif)


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited October 15, 2001).]

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