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[Fic]The Last Hope: Episode One - The True Sith

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Another question that I have. If the assult team (Jebord, and his men) are on the Star Forge trying to kill Darth Revan and the Star Forge, and the Wookies on the ground are already suffering from defeat, what is going to happen to them? If they lose, wouldn't half the point of the mission be over? That is really the only thing that I noticed.


Other than that, not a bad job! Keep on writing! :)


I'm afraid it will be another few chapters, possibly in the next episode before you find out :(

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter Seven:


The Lost Hope


“According to our intelligence, the wookiees who fought on Kashyyyk, have all been killed in action by the Sith” the Chancellor's voice rung out in the Grand Convocation Chamber. There were gasps and cry outs from the other senators and factions. They had all gathered together to discuss the situation of Kashyyyk.


“So you mean to tell us, and the Republic, that Kashyyyk is lost, and a whole species wiped out?” Leia Organa asked from her platform, which she had two bodyguards with her for protection. It wasn't wise to go anywhere these days without some kind of protection.


The Chancellor siged, he didn't know how to answer her. Nor answer the Republic. It was he who sent Jebord and the Jedi to help the wookiees and defend a major planet of the Republic. He didn't want to stay silent for to long, so he spoke up.


“We have receieved no contact from the wookiees, nor the team I authorized and sent to Kashyyyk” Zakura replied with a firm voice. “That is why we're assuming the wookiees have been killed, or they would have contacted us with an update or report”. “We have received no transmissions or morse code messages”.


“What shall we do now, Chancellor?” Leia questioned. “Sit here and wait for the Sith to find us then ask for mercy?”. She had a fiery look in her eyes, she had traveled all the way from the Alliance fleet to be briefed by the Chancellor. In public.


“I will not let this Republic be destroyed once again by the Sith, we will defend our planets, people and every living creature” Zakura announced to the entire Senate with a nice and loud tone. The Chancellor was not elected to sit back and watch his people suffer from such hatred of the Sith.


“Will it really come to war after so short years of peace?” Han Solo asked. It wasn't like him to doubt the Republic, nor the Alliance, but these were dark days. He was also emotional about losing his ship, the Millennium Falcon.


“A storm is coming, and we're smack right in the middle of it” the Chancellor spoke out. “We must keep our faith in the team I sent out there, they will kill the Dark Lord, and end this before we even think of going to war”.


A voice spoke into Zakura's ear. It was Jute, and he had a very urgent message. “We have just received a message from Jebord, him and the Jedi have landed on the Star Forge”. Jute backed away and stoof behind the Chancellor again.


“Senator Organa, Captain Solo, I advise you to return to the Alliance fleet, as you will be receiving the signal from Jebord Esio very soon” Zakura announced. There were more gasps from the senate, hope was returning.


“And what of the wookiees?” Captain Solo asked. “Are they alive, is the battle over?”.


“I'm sorry, we have no news of them at this moment” Zakura replied. “Senate dismissed”.




The Chancellor returned to his office, accompanied by Jute. Once they entered, they found Luke Skywalker standing at the office window, gazing out at the city. The Chancellor was shocked to see him, he would have assumed the Jedi Master would be with the Alliance fleet.


“Master Skywalker, I must say, I'm surprised to see you here” Zakura greeted the Jedi with a handshake. “What brings you to Coruscant at such a time?”.


Zakura beckon for Luke to sit down, while he sat down behind his desk. Jute shuffled behind Zakura again, keeping an eye on proceedings.


“We can not hold out faith in the clone any longer” Luke said instantly. “I sense that if the Alliance fleet go to combat the Star Forge, they will be destroyed”.


Jute's mouth opened in shock, but the Chancellor stayed concentrated.


“Why, why should we leave Jebord to die?” he replied. “After all hes done for us”.


“With all due respect Chancellor, I know of Mr Esio, and I know what will happen if our fleet attacks the Sith” Luke said rasing his voice. “I've seen things, terrible things”.


“Like what?”


“We wont be seeing Jebord or my Jedi Knights for exactly three years from now” Luke replied. “And the Dark Lord will survive the strike team”.


“And how do you know that?” Jute asked. Zakura looked up with him and with a look of anger, Jute shut his mouth.


“You must trust me, Chancellor” Luke said. “The only thing to do now is make sure Coruscant's space is secure, as the Sith's next target will be here”. “I'm not taking full scale attacks, I'm talking about bombs, thousands dying every day”.


“Then we must abandon Jebord and the Jedi” Zakura replied. “May the Force be with him, and hope they return safely”.


But what Master Skywalker didn't know, is why Jebord and the Jedi will be gone for three whole years, and thats what disturbed him most. What would drive them to not making contact with the Republic for that amount of time?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chapter 8:


Who said life was fair?


The explosions were growing louder as time past. It had been a half hour since Jebord had left, and the Sith were joined by another thousand reinforcements. They were not going to stop, nor were their numbers thinning. The last of the wookiees at the wall were pulling back slowly, defending the retreat. Their mission was to stop the Sith from entering the main command center, where the last of the wookiee warriors were taking refuge until the time came.


“Chewunda, sir” a wookiee technician roared as he approached the commander. “We need to call in for transport ships to evacuate the females and the children before it's to late”. “It wont take the Sith long to find them”.


Chewunda let out a low growl. They had lost communication outside their sector, making it impossible to reach the Alliance. Their last hope of contacting the Alliance was with Jebord, but Chewunda wanted to hold out as long as he could from contacting him. As he was on the Star Forge at the very moment and didn't want to disturb him. In case he was fighting Revan.


“Get Jebord on the communicator, the Alliance aren't here, and I don't think they will be” Chewunda roared. “The Sith are to many, they will be no help to us, except for the evacuation”.


The technician bustled off to send a signal to Jebord while Chewunda told the guards to barricade the huts doors. The Sith would obviously get in, but he wasn't going down without a fight. He wasn't going to let the Sith have the satisfaction he was going to die scared of them. He would fight to the end, and take with him as many of the Sith as he could.


“You called?” Jebord's voice rang through the commanders headset. “What may I assist you with, commander?”.


“Thanks for coming into contact with us” Chewunda growled. “It is obvious that the Alliance wont be coming to battle with the Sith”. “I need one last request from you, sir”.


“Anything Chewunda, anything for my mighty friend” Jebord replied.


“I must ask you to request a legion of transport ships from the Alliance for my female and children wookiees, as they are the last of our species” Chewunda roared. “It wont take the Sith long to break in here, but I need to be sure my fellow wookiees get to a safe sanctuary”.


“Of course, I already sent off a message to the Alliance, I did it when we landed” he replied. “And Chewunda?”.


Chewunda growled. There was a few moments of silence between the two. This was the last time they were going to talk with each other. After another few moments, Jebord broke the silence.


“Thank you, thank you for everything” he said. “Thank you for your sacrifice and your commitment to the Republic's safety and security”. “There is no way we can thank you for what you did”.


And at that, the communication between them ceased. Chewunda stood in silence for a few seconds, until a huge explosion ripped through the doors of the hut. He spun around and saw wookiees lying injured and dead on the ground. Before he had time to react, he saw a lot of red appear just above him. Fire grenades.


“Fire grenades!” Chewunda roared ferociously. There was no time to react. The grenades landed on wookiees, the computers and the ground.


Wookiees were roaring in pain and agony, all falling one by one, their hair on fire. The worst torture they could have ever endured. The Sith entered the hut spitting on the wookiees corpses. All the wookiee warriors had perished, except for Chewunda.


One of the Sith commanders entered and saw him on the ground. He walked up to the helpless wookiee and laughed. Stood there and laughed at him. And then the Sith spoke, not in Rakatan, but in basic.


“Your little crusade has ended, your species is almost extinct” he said. “I have my best troops out in your pathetic jungle searching for your hidden females”. “When they find them, they will kill them”.


At that, Chewunda saw a white flash of fury and the next thing he knew, he had tore off the Sith commanders arms and was getting shot by at least fifty blasters. He fell to the ground, dead. But that didn't stop the Sith from shooting him still. They shot him for another minute or two. The poor wookiee had been murdered in cold blood. Just like the thousands of other wookiees had been.


The Sith didn't care about the wookiees, nor the planet. They just wanted to show how much damage they could do, how much pain they could cause. This wasn't a quest for domination, this was just entertainment for the Sith. This was their way of fun.


Before Chewunda died, he though of his wife and child hiding in the deepest part of the forest, terrified and whether or not he would see them again. He didn't.

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