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Question regarding Flurry/Critical Strike/Power Attack


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Hi All,


I'm new to this forum, but I had kind of a technical a question that I hoped folk could answer for me. Sorry if this isn't the most appropriate place for a question like this...


I've always wondered exactly how the different "Special Attacks" work (i.e. what exactly the combat algorithm does) in KotOR and KotOR2, especially with regard to characters who get multiple attacks "naturally" (either by using two weapons, a double bladed weapon, or by using Knight or Master Speed). I can't find this info in the Manual, in-game notes, or online on FAQS.


I understand that Flurry/Rapid shot gives you one extra attack, so if you're a using a double-bladed weapon (2 attacks) and Knight Speed (+1 attack), using Flurry gives you one additional attack for a total of 4 attacks. First question: Which weapon makes the extra attacks? Say you have a really powerful weapon in your first hand and a weaker one in your off hand. Is/are the extra attack(s) from Flurry (and, for that matter, from Knight/Master Speed) made with your good weapon or your off-hand weapon, or do you alternate? I.e. if you use flurry AND Master speed (+3 attacks), while using two weapons, do you make 4 attacks with your primary weapon and one with your off-hand weapon, or some other breakdown?


Next, what if you use, say, Power Attack while making extra attacks? It adds extra points of damage to your next "attack" at the cost of a negative to hit, but does this apply to ALL you subsequent attacks in the next round, or just one of them? And if so, which one? For example, say you're using a weapon with, say, a +3 bonus to hit in your primary hand and a weapon with a -1 bonus to hit in your off hand. Does Power Attack affect both of these weapons in your next attack, or just the first one? Or does the damage bonus apply to just one but the to-hit penalty to both? Or vise versa? And what if you're using Knight/Master speed and invoke Power attack. Do the extra attacks granted by the Force also gat a bonus to damage and a minus to hit? Obviously, how powerful Power Attack is relative to Flurry is strongly dependent on the answer to this question.


Same question for Critical Strike...it doubles the chance of a critical attack, but does it do this for all of your attacks on the next round, or just the first one? And does it double the chance of a critical strikes on extra attacks granted by Knight/Master Speed? Once again, the answer to this question strongly affects how good an abillity Critical Strike actually is.

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I dont think that they necessarialy give you a another attack round, rather giving you a better chance of hitting. I really am not sure about the other stuff. Maybe you should look at the scripts (if that is what they are called) on your in-game menu and see whats going on. "Thats all that I can think of at any rate..."


BTW-- Welcome to LucasForums!!

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Hi All,


I'm new to this forum,


I understand that Flurry/Rapid shot gives you one extra attack, so if you're a using a double-bladed weapon (2 attacks) and Knight Speed (+1 attack), using Flurry gives you one additional attack for a total of 4 attacks. First question: Which weapon makes the extra attacks?


I have about 90% confidence in the answers I'm about to give, but it's been awhile and I'm drawing from memory mostly. Hopefully someone here will back me up or call me on a mistake. Anyway...


The multiple attacks simply alternate between hands -- 3 attacks: primary/secondary/primary, 4 attacks: primary/secondary/primary/secondary


Next, what if you use, say, Power Attack while making extra attacks? It adds extra points of damage to your next "attack" at the cost of a negative to hit, but does this apply to ALL you subsequent attacks in the next round, or just one of them?
All of the bonuses and penalties apply to all attacks in the round, alternating between hands.


Same question for Critical Strike...it doubles the chance of a critical attack, but does it do this for all of your attacks on the next round, or just the first one?
All of them.
And does it double the chance of a critical strikes on extra attacks granted by Knight/Master Speed?



You mentioned looking through FAQs online. Did you see this one? It has a pretty good comparison of Power Strike vs. Flurry vs. Critical Strike with single/double/dual wielding lightsabers.

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Thanks for the reply. That's helpful. And thanks for the welcome!


I hadn't seen that particular FAQ before, but I have read FAQs that try to compare Flurry to Power Attack to Critical Strike, and they say much the same thing that this one does (basically, they conclude that Flurry is almost always the best, and Power Attack is never worth it). That is why I was trying to figure out the exact mechanics...I actually disagree with that assertion, or, rather, I am not ready to agree with it yet. Their analysis makes several assumptions that are probabilistically wrong, and does other things that bother me (e.g. they tend to compare the feats for a fully leveled up, fully-upgraded lightsaber weilding oppenent versus easy-to-hit enemies, which ignores the situation you're in for about 90% of the game...) but here's probably not the place to get into that debate. Still, I wanted to actually work out what the estimated damage for different situations using different feats actually was.


Thanks for the clarifications...

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