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[FIC] The End of Something Grand

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This story is about the Yuuzhan Vong before they lost their force abilities in their old galaxy, so far, there is no direct link to any current characters from anyone elses stories, if you think its good, let me know and I'll keep writing. Here's hoping you like it.



A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...



from the one we know and love.


Handrik Far looked hard down the hall, he felt some kind of danger coming from the walls of the long hallway. He had to hurry if he wanted to get a good score on his exam, but he knew that getting hit by a stray thud bug or Amphistaff would penalize him much more. He sat down for a moment collecting his strength and reaching out with the force. Suddenly he felt clarity blossom within him and he rushed down the hall, training staff in hand.Rushing down the hall he could feel the wind of passing volleys of shots but he paid them little mind, they were only a distraction from the real task. Reaching forward with all his might, he plucked the completion cylinder from the wall, but before it could reach him, his competition snatched it from the air.

"Test over, trainee Korsa Van has won the challenge."

"Dang it Korsa, can't you let me win just once?" Handrik asked in a disappointed voice.

"If I did the masters would know it anyways and mark us both off." Korsa and Handrik were best friends, closer than the usual kreshmates even, they had a force bond. "Come on Handrik, you might win next time, you were really close last time too."

"Ya right mister perfect scores on everything," Handrik replied pointedly.

"Is it my fault I like to succeed?" Korsa asked in a mockery of an innocent tone.

"If it makes me look bad, then yes."

Laughing, the two trainees turned down the hall leading west from the center room they had both been running toward moments earlier.

"Trainee Handrik, if you hadn't hesitated so long in the beginning of the test you would have gotten the cylinder first, Trainee Korsa, you too, stop hesitating or Handrik wil catch up to you faster than you'll like."

"Yes Master Vandir, we understand," the trainees replied in the exasperated tone of people who had heard the same message a hundred times.

"I'm serious, get to work on acting more on instinct, dismissed." As the trainees left, the master sighed, "I'm getting too old to deal with these headstong youth, they are almost ready to become apprentices and when they do they always want to show off to their old mentors."





I know its not much, but let me know how it sounds.

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It sounds good to me! One question though, are these students affiliated with the Jedi or the Sith. Or something close to their ideals... because this must have been a LONG time before...well it must have been a long time ago. Anyways, I would most definately read your fic, if you continued writing, of course. :)


BTW--Welcome to LucasForums Lord Sturkie!! Hope you have a nice stay! :D



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