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what's the chat scoop?

General Theros

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So the chat wasn't all that great? Oh well.....my only question is this: was the flying units asked about.....you know how they just sit there when they attack! Will that change? That is my one and only beef with the demo is the hovering flying guys. Please oh please let the start strafing!! For the love of all that is good and right!!! Pleeeaase!! :) sorry...just had to get that out.


General Theros

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Guest Maul403

from a previous thread someone said:

sitting there dropping bombs in front of u is gonna get u killed, flying past might reduce the chances of getting shot down.


i said: flying around will not reduce the chance of getting you shot down...you WILL NOT get shot down..cause the missles dont trace..then everyone would complain about this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest porkins14

The flying will definitely not be changed and shouldnt be. As unrealistic as it is, you have to sacrifice for good gameplay. As i have mentioned before (and none of the air complainers seem to answer), if you dont hover air units would be hard to control and almost always wander into AA facilities while attackjing. Having them hover allows a good player to control is bombers and keep them out of harms distance

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Guest Tie Guy

Were any of my questions asked? i had to leave mid way through b/c my sister had some stupid homework to do? I hope they change the ATST, that was waht my question was on.

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Guest Tie Guy

Were any of my questions asked? i had to leave mid way through b/c my sister had some stupid homework to do? I hope they change the ATST, that was waht my question was on.

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