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about handmaidens robes..


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hey this sounds a bit silly cos i have played TSL like almost for 3 years now :D


but it is about handmaidens mothers robes..

how did i get the dialog so that se would wear her mothers robes..? i know the part that she must be in her underwears but i havent played whit a male character for some time now.. so i am not sure..


would the dialog appear only if you have done all the tree fighting trainings whit her or what..? :D

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Normally I do the first training session, after which she will be standing around in her underwear. Then after you put clothes back on your character you'll be able to ask her to "put some clothes on", after which she'll equip her mothers' robe. I'm not sure if you actually *need* to do the training, but as she's standing about in her pants after training anyway that's how most people usually come across it (myself included).

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