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ghoul2 collision


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Hey guys, I made a check in t2_trace that if it checks for a very large npc (we're talking atat and mutant_rancor size here) that it should use a ghoul2 trace instead. This does allow me to do cool things like crawl through an atsts legs etc, but its CPU intensive. One glitch I did come across though was that many times when I collide with the npc I stick do it where I jitter back and forth and am not able to free myself from it. Does anyone know what's going on?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ooh, I haven't tried anything as big as an atst, but a swoop is going so fast that it hardly gets stuck due to its acceleration. It will accelerate faster in that one frame than the jitter will pull it back if that makes sense.

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Keep in mind all the g2 stuff isn't as complete as it is in SP. This could also be an issue. Like, they do actually have hit-boxes in some cases where you think its g2 but not rly. Look at the rancors for example, try hitting their head nothing happens but making marks. Gotta hit their crotch area or so before it does anything.

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