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there once was a Spider_AL from FW


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A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was a JK (yes, original DF2:JK) clan called Force Warriors lead by a certain British guy named Spider_AL. If you are still alive in the JK community Spidey, your old co-founder Anty is looking for you. If any other members here know the whereabouts of said Spider_AL (and aren't ashamed to admit it :D ) then feel free to let me know, or let him know I'm looking for him. Force Warriors never die, they just take longer to respawn.

-Anty (aka. FW_AntyKryste)


p.s. does anyone know if there is a JA editing compatible XSI plugin for 3dsmax9? My old one doesn't work. I hope that question qualifies this thread as JA related, admins. I'm glad these old JK sites are still around after all these years. Any other DF2 vets feel old like me?

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