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Trando-Jedi personal PC mod/skin request


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Back in the old days of DF2:JK (June, 2000) I had a custom skin made for me by one of my fellow Force Warriors clan members, known then as Soul Reaver (credit where credit is due - hollar at me if you are still out there, Reaver), and I was wondering if any experienced modders here, or even a less experienced one who can do the job and would like some gratitude and recognition in return, would be generous enough to take the time and recreate it for me. The idea was simple enough, and my old JK skin came out wonderfully. A Trandoshan in a hooded Jedi robe. Reaver had used the standard JK Trando with an ObiWan Hooded Robe skin and chose to cut the trousers to calf length. I hadn't considered that, but I suppose Trandos do like showing off their legs and bare feet and it turned out really well, like an "authentic" Trando Jedi (the first and only, as far as I know).


Simple enough? I think I saw some hooded robes online, so really I suppose just a Trandoshan model to use as PC is what I'd like, as long as it can wear the hooded robe and mask/gear items without looking silly (such as head ridges poking through top of hood or muzzle poking through mask). It may be simple enough to take one of the Trandos in-game and make them available for PC selection, or apply through cheats in-game. Maybe it won't even require a mod and there's a cheat code/tool that will do it already. I know some implants change characters into aliens, which is cool, but I'd still like to be able to use implants with the skin, and I don't know if the alien implants show changes of armor/robes. Also, a custom Trando robe would be nice just in sticking with my original JK skin and the efforts of Soul Reaver.


I'll leave this request here for now (I'll delete it if I find what I want already available), but I'll also check the tutorials to see if there are already instructions telling me how to do it myself. Possible complications I can think of would be the shapes of the hands and feet not working with various armors/robes due to the gloves and boots respectively. Oh, I should also probably specify I'm looking for a male model, but a female model as well would be nice if anyone out there is really bored or looking for a project which, to my knowledge, hasn't been done for this game or any other SW game other than JK. I'll praise the name of whomever creates this, which for up-and-coming modders some wholehearted praise might be worthy compensation.

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