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  • 11 months later...

This is a little late, but try http://partners.everyone.net/852682/email/scripts/unifiedlogin.pl?EV1=10042012198247400 for the Monkey Island email adress.



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Are you in England? I heard that sam and max and DOTT are being rereleased in a pack together that you can get from amazon, eb, or game or wotever (was that someone from here, I can't remember?)

You can always get old games cheap on ebay as well. I just got the mystery of the druids on ebay for £16.50 and its only a few months old. Bargain!<IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0> biggrin.gif

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Are you the one who outbid me? Shame on you. But I won the other auction. Did you win it on Thrusday night?



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I only won it today, so I'm sure it wasn't me who outbid you on thursday.biggrin.gif You would have known if it was me cos my user name is helen-w.


I know I was bidding on one the other day, and I went to check if I was still winning cos it was near the end of the auction. There was like 3 minutes left or something, so I thought I'd have a look round for other stuff while I waited for my email telling me where to send my cheque. well I never got my email did I. some bugger outbid me with about 2 minutes to spare. I was well cheesed off I tell you. <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm23.gif" border=0>


Why do they wait till the last minute. The scoundrels mad.gif


Was that you fender? <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm13.gif" border=0>

Nah, couldn't have been. you wouldn't do that to me would you. biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by HelenW (edited October 27, 2001).]

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what username outbid you?



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There were several as I have bid on quite a few over the last week or so.


The bugger who outbid me with 1 minute to go was shrimpnose or something, but I just checked my emails and that was the 15th October when that happened.


This week I was outbid by bobbijam (something like that) and larkriser.

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