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Wot happened to Broken Sword forums ???


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Hi folks


First and foremost I´d like to say that I´m a big Guybrush Threepwood Fan and "The Secret of Monkey Island" is one of my TOP 3 ALL TIME FAVOURITE ADVENTURES but I´m a little concerned <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm24.gif" border=0>


Wot happened to the Broken Sword 3 page I reached till today under the same url. I´m a member of the BS forums since April (I think) and really enjoyed the sites community. Please help me and tell me the new url (if there´s one)


Thanx in advance






[This message has been edited by Kurt (edited November 13, 2001).]

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Hey Kurt,


You may know me. "The unoficial Broken Sword 3 site" is currently on a temporary server, so it may be going up and down for a while yet. All will be okay again when the new server is sorted out.



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