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[K1] Revamped Cutscenes


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I'm putting this in mod requests because when all is said and done if I don't have the ability to do this, I'd like to see it done by someone that does.


The cutscenes in Kotor 1 were great, except when they were bink videos showing characters (a la the "Revelation" scene between you and Malak, and the various Bastila vs. Revan on his ship visions). The characters have virtually no texture and in the case of people like myself who have various mods that alter everything from saber color to clothing, kind of removes you from the RPG feel of the game.


So my idea is to follow the same idea as the K2 mod that team gizka released that bypasses the poor bink video of Visas and Nihilus with the in game cutscene it was created from. Basically I want to write scripts for the scenes such as Bastila vs. Revan on the bridge so it plays without a bink file (and gives us her double saber in the scene vs. the single hilt). The Revelation scene I would have to do as a bink file because it references various modules, but I could script out the various pieces then use some film editing programs to hash them into the Revelation scene we all know and love, albeit with much more clarity and higher resolution.


On to the question. I'm so novice in scripting it hurts, but I'm sorting through tutorials and working on breaking down others' mods, etc. to learn the process, but I still need to know if at the end of the day such a script to bypass the bink file and reference another script for the cutscene would be possible. If its not, needless to say I'll still learn scripting, but would have mis-allocated alot of time that could be spent on other projects. I know scripting the scenes wouldn't be impossible because of the incredible work that Silveredge9 has been doing with his Brotherhood of Shadow mod.


So that's my idea for a mod that I will begin working on once I can get a little more time and finish figuring out basic scripting. But the question is posed, is this a possible mod or am I just shooting for the stars and hitting a ceiling on the games' capabilities?

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