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heres................ CASABA!

Admiral Casaba the 3rd

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hello everyone. Nice to see you all. haven't been here for a while. My old name was lupe from grimfandango or some sort. But anyhooo i'm here today with a casaba grin on my face saying HELLO WORLD! How's life. or then again KILL THOSE BLOODY Pirates well whoch ever one works. Let's see most of the other forums that i go to are down and the website is unavailable So i just decided to come here. Mixnmojo has beendown for a while. I mean the forums but you can't expect that it shall work now.I mean people have been working on it for quite some time. Anyhooo i really wanted a casaba picture but i choose kenny because i have him for a banner in this game called infantryzone.com well that's another story got to run. bye



My name is Admiral Ricardo Luigi Pierre M'Benga Chang Nehru O'Hara Casaba the 3rd! but you can call me Admiral Casaba!

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