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A few Juhani Tweaks...


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Sort of a series of things I've been trying to figure out how to do myself, but can't seem to get anywhere. Had two ideas that kinda go hand in hand. One a little simpler than the other...that I WOULD do myself...if I could find the bloody file the thing is in.


First, more Dark Side convo options for the mid-fight convo with Juhani on Dantooine. Right now, all you've got is variations on 'omg u suck I pwn you'.


I can see the thinking there on the devs part, they're figuring a darksider would take the edict to 'cleanse the taint' as meaning to kill her, and would have no interest in redeeming her.


What I'm thinking of, on the other hand, is something along the lines of what Darth Vader was doing all the time. Running into some force sensitive and saying 'hmm...he could be useful.'


Thus I wanted to add some options whereby you can spare her...but not because of any interest in redeeming her, rather because your character wants to use her for his own purposes.


I'd do it myself, but I can't seem to find the file...and I dunno much about editing dialogs in KotOR anyway. Some on NWN...not on KotOR. I'm much better at modifying other people's mods to do what I want them to do than making my own anyway...(like taking the 'Yuthura ban -> darth talon' mod and making a 'Darth Talon as a non-replacing MALE PC' Mod...(love that skin... hate carth.) and then getting it to work with 'Female Mandalorians', 'juhani goes both ways like before they patched it'(or whatever it's called), and 'the bastila improvement project'(the size-changing between models always did bug me, especially with mission! but nobody made that mod yet))


I was also thinking about expanding on that concept, and adding two sets of new dark side dialogs. One where she ends off running off and getting redeemed anyway...and another where she runs off and PRETENDS to have been redeemed(hey, if you can sit there and go [Lie] [Lie] [Lie] to the council about being a lightsider and get away with it, she can too)...and ends up joining your party as a DARK SIDE character.


Had some ideas about how to work that in. yes she's fallen, just not very far and more out of emo than out of real desire... a real darksider could work with that though. IE getting her all angry because of how petty her 'dark works' have been(maybe she attacks you again but gives up at 25% or something), offering to teach her to have power equal to yours('you are strong! Stronger than me, even in my darkness!' begs for that kind of response).


That'd be a biiig project, as you'd have to massively expand her dlg file.(conditionals to keep her from objecting to your darkness and the bad things you do if she's darkside herself, at the least. entirely new responses for some of her trees, like making her much more aggressive and not at all remorseful about her sidequest if she's dark. Not to mention making that little 2v2 in the temple at the end into a 3v1... though you could probably modify bindo in that circumstance too. He's in theory neutral, so he might not go into a 3v1 for principle...but then he doesn't act or talk very neutral either.)


I can't seem to pull it off myself though. >(


Edit: Nevermind...I found it. I'm poking around now...Gonna be tricky...being a perfectionist I'm gonna be dissappointed every time I have to put in a line with no voiceover...so ofc now I'm trying to figure out the voiceovers, but I'm not stuck yet. >P

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