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ACTII-Parrots and Boulders


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a) it doesn't really matter which parrot you feed the gorg to and which you feed the groggachino to.


b) what does matter is that you feed the grog to one, and the groggachino to the other one.


c) after that, ask factual questions (like "what's two plus two?") until Guybrsuh realizes and says, "He must be the one who tells the truth."


d) make a mental note as to whether its the drunk or wired parrot that is the truthful one


e) head to the right of the screen from Jumbeaux Lafeet, stand by a rock, and blow the parrot whistle


f) ask the truthful one if this is the correct rock. if he says no, wait for the parrots to switch places, then ask the truthful one which direction the correct rock is in. go in that direction.


g) keep repeating step 'f' until the parrot says it's the correct one.


h) then, bring out the puppets, and start an argument with them, until the Admiral shoots a cannon at you, blowing up the rock.


i) if you don't have the puppets yet, e-mail me, and i'll tell you (if you're interested).


Whew! Hope that helps!

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