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[TSL] Camper model


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I was planning on eventually doing a large modification for KOTOR II which would weave in a new complicated story arc dealing with unexplained elements of the KOTOR II storyline in addition to certain events within the Knights of the Old Republic comic series. Maybe soon... but no promises just yet.


For now, I would like someone with advanced skill at texturing - and modelling, if you feel it would be appropriate - to make me a head with a strong resemblance to the elderly Arkanian mechanic from the series, Gorman Vandryk aka. Camper (though the facial hair needn't match up exactly):




If at all possible, a suitable clothing option would also be welcome.


As a base model, I would recommend the unused Hussef face, though of course you're welcome to find a better alternative if it allows for greater resemblance (and less overall work!):




At present, I'm planning to use the head/clothing just for the playable character; though when I hopefully get round to making the mod it will be used for Camper in his role as a party NPC and in "flashback" cutscenes. The maker will of course be majorly credited in the final production, and if they're willing I may ask them to make more faces, clothes or other resources for the mod.


It's a tall order, I know, and one that requires a degree of artistic finesse. However, I've seen some particularly impressive works come out of Holowan, and am confident this is an achievable task for someone of reasonably advanced skill.


Any takers?

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